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Tiff Mapel

Escalante-Class Member
Just getting around to posting this.... We were on the water Oct. 1st and 2nd. I was in the runabout heading toward the Cut Sunday morning. Traffic was light. I saw something ahead in the water, and idled up to it. It was a swimming rattlesnake. It was about 2 1/2 feet in length, and had a bulge in its middle. I'm assuming it was probably on someone's houseboat eating mice, then fell off into the water as they neared the marina. So there it was, swimming in 70-degree water, probably cold, with a belly full of rodent. Needless to say, I went right on by and didn't offer any help to it. ;)

On the last night of our trip (07/01/2017) we were camped up in Rock Creek; hubby & friend enjoying the evening & campfire when a rattler decided to pay them a visit. Swam (yes he swam) right up to the beach area & headed for the fire. Must have wanted to get warmed up. Let's just say the shovel won..... That was the first time in many many years of camping at Powell that we had seen one. Would be very happy to not encounter one again.
On the last night of our trip (07/01/2017) we were camped up in Rock Creek; hubby & friend enjoying the evening & campfire when a rattler decided to pay them a visit. Swam (yes he swam) right up to the beach area & headed for the fire. Must have wanted to get warmed up. Let's just say the shovel won..... That was the first time in many many years of camping at Powell that we had seen one. Would be very happy to not encounter one again.
I imagine he would feel the same if he could still feel, that is.
$151,000 for a snake bite.

This is a clear illustration of everything that is wrong with our medical program.

I wonder how much that would be under trumps new health care program.

And while we are at it, cost to patient with Obama’s care.
I may have mention this before but many insurances do not cover rattlesnake bites. Have no idea why not.
This bill, if real, gives us an idea of the cost. Notice at the bottom it says due from insurance zero.

Notice the bill stated above this is a patient who "applied" for Medi-Cal. Sounds like the patient applied for and hasn't yet received Medi-Cal [which is the insurance for the poor in California].... so this visit to the hospital was not covered at the time of the visit [it seems to say notify us as soon as your Medi-Cal is approved and until then this is your responsibility. Likely the person is applying as a result of this injury [which they are allowed to do under Obamacare]...

The largest cost was the pharmacy - which would have been the cost of the anti-venom and likely several series of labs taken as the anti-venom was administered and monitored.... IF the patient retro-actively gets his or her Medi-Cal approved then this bill would be handled through Medi-Cal - likely at a greatly reduced rate - otherwise it likely would never get paid --- which is one of the reasons the cost of any hospital admission is very expensive. Those of us with insurance foot the cost of those who do not have insurance or have insurance that doesn't cover the cost of the hospital [you know building, lights, staff including janitors, nurses, doctors on staff, etc.]..... I knew of someone who was not here legally and thus didn't have insurance, had a health even keeping her in the ER overnight at our local hospital on IV's - the bill for 24-hours in ER was over $30,000 - I know the bill was never paid. Someone ends up paying in these cases and that someone is the rest of us with higher insurance premiums.
$151,000 for a snake bite.

This is a clear illustration of everything that is wrong with our medical program.

I wonder how much that would be under trumps new health care program.

And while we are at it, cost to patient with Obama’s care.

The statement didn't state it is not a covered procedure. It said the patient had decided to apply for Medi-Cal [that is the insurance for those who have no assets and low income in California] and to notify them when they got their Medi-Cal and in the meantime the bill is their responsibility. It is not the case it is not covered, it is a fact this patient didn't have insurance at the time of the injury. Big difference and had nothing to do with "Trumps" or anyone else's insurance plan - Medi-Cal has been available for this segment of the population for 40 years! Which the media has long ignored in all their the poor is not covered - fact is many of the poor never applied for it... they have special coverage under Medi-Cal for children who are born into poor families, including the families where the child is born here and the parent is not here legally and at least a dozen other plans under Medi-Cal - always have - not new. Medicaid is Medicaid nation-wide paid for by all of us through our taxes.
To all above. That billing is just an example of what may or may not be included in a snake bite case. Just kind of a reference for
the tremendous cost for treatment that may occur. And yeah it's the anti-venom that's crazy expensive. Won't be any of that stuff in my first aid kit.
i know the snakes help keep the rodents down but I would prefer that the birds of prey and coyotes have first choice.
This guy looks hungry.


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Further more. There are other creatures at Powell we should be cautious of.
We saw this then zoomed in best we could with the camera we had. And then we high tailed it out of there!!


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A possible explanation would be that they are extremely migratory and can be far ranging... As evidenced by this BBC wildlife documentary.
At last now you have documentation,
A few days ago we were on the lake and a very scary and spooky thing happened to us. For those that are timid and scare easily like me you may not want to see this.

In any event I recommend that anyone going to Lake Powell keep their fingers, toes, small children and pets OUT of the water. Be forewarned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A teacher, here on Wayne's Words always says to use as many exclamation points as the page will allow for emphasis.

I still get chills remembering this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <-(reference teacher's suggestion above.)

Anyway, whilst at the lake we always enjoy feeding the red eared slider turtles first discovered and raised by the AndaNazi Indians which are now very common on the HiBob Plateau. The turtles, that is. During the feeding, in a flash out of nowhere this happened!!!!! I was lucky to catch part of the feeding along with the subsequent attack on film. Thank God we had several small fish to fend off the ravenous and extremely venomous attack!!:eek:

P.S. Disclaimer: Dramatization, may not have happened. Events may be fictitious, timelines may be changed, characters may be real or imagined. May not have happened to me or even at Lake Powell but I'm pretty sure it happened to somebody, somewhere at some lake or wet place. Even if it didn't happen at all it is still very important to get the word out and warn everybody.o_O

P.S.S. If I called myself a journalist it would all be acceptable, right?;)
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