Rainbow Bridge

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If you mean the hike distance from the temporary dock to the bridge, it’s impossible to predict unless you factor water level (or approximate date you’d make the hike). When the lake was at its highest point in a decade (3,635 in June 2017) we did the hike and it was little more than 1 mile. I’d predict with the water being 60 feet lower, you’re probably looking at a bit longer. That said I think the floating docks the NPS sets up are located in a part of the canyon where it can go up or down quite a distance without having to be moved further away (down the canyon). So I’d -GUESS- the hike is no more than 2 to 2.5 miles each way, but that’s a total guess just based on what I saw up there.
Edited 2/10/18:34 to add image & correct a link
In the last ten years I think the winner was on July 30, 2011 at 3,660.90'.

The first time I walked to Rainbow Bridge was in 1998 when the lake was just 3' shy of full pool @ 3697". You could see RB very easily at the courtesy dock and water ran under the bridge. Been awhile I guess.

The best guestimates I can give comes from both official guestimations as well as a well worn TLAR method. Note: A wet finger held into the air will help, well, at least with which way the wind is blowing.

First,the official projection:

Next the official outlook link updated January 14, 2019. Be forewarned that clicking the link will take you to a page that will make you feel a lot like enjoying instant coffee without the benefit of water. There is good information beneath the grounds but the graph above goes down a little easier.

For the TLAR guesstimate I think historically the blue graph line has not been terribly wrong if you keep downloading the most current version. They do update it every month or so. Accuracy converges on reality the closer you get.....just like the weather forecast.

This last double image pic are of the RB dock at 3573' & only a few feet higher around 3576'. The last position remained static from 3576' at least through the best estimate for this year. At lowest position the round trip is right at 2 miles (left dock) or 1.75 miles (right dock). The hike is relatively level for planning purposes.3988

Remember you don't always have to know what the lake will do because sometimes it's better to know what others think it will do, especially those in charge.

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In the last ten years I think the winner was on July 30, 2011 at 3,660.90'.

The first time I walked to Rainbow Bridge was in 1998 when the lake was just 3' shy of full pool @ 3697". You could see RB very easily at the courtesy dock and water ran under the bridge. Been awhile I guess.

The best questimates I can give comes from both official guestimations as well as a well worn TLAR method. Note: A wet finger held into the air will help, well, at least with which way the wind is blowing.

First,the official projection:

Next the official outlook link updated January 14, 2019. Be forewarned that clicking the link will take you to a page that will make you feel a lot like enjoying instant coffee without the benefit of water. There is good information beneath the grounds but the graph above goes down a little easier.

For the TLAR guesstimate I think historically the blue graph line has not been terribly wrong if you keep downloading the most current version. They do update it every month or so. Accuracy converges on reality the closer you get.....just like the weather forecast.

This last double image pic are of the RB dock at 3573' & only a few feet higher around 3576'. The last position remained static from 3576' at least through the best estimate for this year. At lowest position the round trip is right at 2 miles (left dock) or 1.75 miles (right dock). The hike is relatively level for planning purposes.

Remember you don't always have to know what the lake will do because sometimes it's better to know what others think it will do, especially those in charge.


So I think we’re in agreement. About 2 miles!
Emphasis mine:
...When the lake was at its highest point in a decade (3,635 in June 2017)...
... So I’d -GUESS- the hike is no more than 2 to 2.5 miles each way, but that’s a total guess just based on what I saw up there.
In the last ten years I think the winner was on July 30, 2011 at 3,660.90'.
At lowest position the round trip is right at 2 miles (left dock) or 1.75 miles (right dock). The hike is relatively level for planning purposes...
So I think we’re in agreement. About 2 miles!
Some people are more thrifty with words than others. ;)

Yes, we agree as long as 6 years, 25' of elevation and 3 miles of distance is within our margin of error. But whose counting?
I'm trying hard to be more brief....be patient with me. Thanks guys.
Emphasis mine:

Yes, we agree as long as 6 years, 25' of elevation and 3 miles of distance is within our margin of error. But whose counting?

I'm trying hard to be more brief....be patient with me. Thanks guys.

Your explanation was thorough and informative. Thanks for putting the time and effort in.
I Called NPS this morning and they said the walk now is about 1 to 1.5 miles one way. Goblin did a bit more research than the nice NPS lady on the phone.

The walk to Rainbow Bridge is a bit longer than the walk up the main Wahweap ramp to park the boat trailer. Looks like we will all get needed cardio-vascular exercise this spring.
I Called NPS this morning and they said the walk now is about 1 to 1.5 miles one way. Goblin did a bit more research than the nice NPS lady on the phone.

The walk to Rainbow Bridge is a bit longer than the walk up the main Wahweap ramp to park the boat trailer. Looks like we will all get needed cardio-vascular exercise this spring.
Thank you for the response. It gave me the information I needed. Thanks
Good information, I'll go back and figure out when we were on the lake in '04. We haven't hesitated to boat with low lake levels in the past and the snow pack keeps building. Can't wait for spring and summer boating.
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