Question for the Southern Powell fishermen?

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xyooj yaj

Active Member
I am taking my 3 kids down towards Rock Creek Wed-Sat for some fishing/camping, we usually go towards Good Hope but with the run-off we are heading south. Is there firewood along the shoreline in the southern part of the lake? Seems to be plenty up North with all the run-off. Thanks in advance.
There is little to no drift wood in the Rock Creek area. If you are going to fish with the kids, we had great success in Main Rock Creek on stripers on April 1st. At mid day we trolled along the vertical wall near the back on the left side (going in near the back). When the wall petered out I turned the boat 90 degrees right and tried to find the creek channel to graph for stripers. I crossed the channel a couple times when my partner hooked one trolling and as he reeled it in the screen turned black with the school following the hooked fish. Spot Lock On then game on. We wore out about the time the anchovies ran out. That same pattern should still work in the 30-40' depth in the creek channel. Probably the same in Dry Rock Creek too. Have Fun! Chuck
I never rely on finding wood to burn at the lake. I always ask my grocer for a couple banana boxes from the back. I then load my own firewood in it, and have it enclosed in the box, and nothing gets scattered in the boat along the trip, and I just burn the box at's always been great for me :cool:
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