Question about Bleeding stripers for the pan

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wayne gustaveson

Staff member
Here are some good questions that I thought I would share with all:

  1. I watched your striper fillet video and it looked a little bloody. Have you ever bleed the fish before putting them on ice? I fish Willard Bay and bleed the Wiper and Walleye before filleting them. Much cleaner and a better flavor when cooked?
  2. How do you catch shad to fish with?? Or can you buy frozen at the Marina at Bullfrog?
  3. I have a week trip planned for the 15th of Oct 2017. I would be glad to hear from you.

1. I catch most of my stripers spooning and in boils. The best fishing is when a school is directly in casting range. I don't take time to bleed the fish because that would reduce my total catch from the active school. Sometimes I do not even unhook a fish - just drop it on the deck and pick up another rod to immediately catch the next fish. I hope that the fish will throw the hook so I can use that rod again. At times I have 10 fish flopping on the deck while the school is still under the boat. With 2-3 people in the boat it is easy to have a 100 fish day while spooning in October.

2. I agree that bleeding stripers is the best way to go. Since I don't do that I do the hard work of removing the red meat when I prepare the fish for the table. I use a sharp knife and quickly cut off the thin red section leaving only the white meat. I suppose when the fillet hits the pan that both of our techniques provides a great fillet to eat. I am lucky enough to live close to the lake and catch a lot of stripers. Therefore I do not freeze any fillets. That is perhaps the greatest detriment to the flavor of the fillet. If freezing, then always vacuum seal the bag.

3. Shad are not allowed for commercial use so you have to catch your own which you can do with a 10 ft. seine in shallow water near shore. Most anglers snag shad while fishing at night under the lights. Shad are attracted to the light and form schools that make it possible (not easy) to catch them while jigging a spoon through the school.

October is the best weather and you will find active fish. The best technique is graphing for schools and then dropping a 1.5 ounce spoon right into the school.
Wayne and I have an ongoing discussion about bleeding stripers (an all other keepers). I bleed everything I intend to eat. Doing so leaves virtually no blood in the fish and hence the meat. Wayne agrees it's probably better to do so but his goal is to catch every striper possible and I intend to eat or give away my catch. Therefore, I take the extra 3-5 seconds to reach behind the gill plate and hook my finger around one of the gills and break it. I do this over the open live well and immediately drop the fish in the well so he can bleed out. When the action slows then he goes on ice or the cleaning board. My filet board after doing 20-30 fish has very little blood and the filets are nice and clean. I think it's worth the short seconds it take to do this......but who am I to argue (that's why it a discussion) with the Master. Chuck
I was fishing with Adam Eakle in a friends boat (Brad Cutler). They bleed the fish so I did that with a pair of pruning shears over the live well. It worked well. Did not slow me down too much. However they then put the bled fish in the live well which uses water from the lake at 80 degrees. We stopped and filleted fish between boils so they would not warm up and lose eating quality while in the warm live well.I think that the most important way to keep stripers fresh is to cool them down as soon as practical.

The perfect technique is to catch the fish, bleed it immediately, and then put it on ice - preferably under the ice instead of laying on top of other fish already iced down. The dilemma is whether to cast again to boiling fish or care for the one just caught. In a quick boil or spooning school I keep fishing until the school moves on. Then take care of the fish and ice them down.

As long as you are aware of all the options needed to protect the eating quality of the fish, then you will get it done in a reasonable amount of time. You will then enjoy eating these fish almost as much as catching them.
Well, I guess Anne & I are extremists. We carry a 45 qt. cooler in the boat for the fresh caught stripers. The cooler starts each day with a block of ice in it. As a striper is caught a gill arch is cut while unhooking the fish and it is dropped into the cooler. Each fish adds blood to the cooler as well as water from the ice it melts. We stop fishing every two hours for the few minutes it takes to filet the fish, place the filets in a "ZipLock" bag and return it to the "bleeding cooler". After a days fishing it is short work to vacuum seal the fish in meal-size packages and place them in the freezer. By morning they are rock hard and when the freezer is full, it's time to go home and enjoy some of the best white fish meat one could want (even if it IS frozen, Wayne :-) ).
I find that when I'm fishing Powell, all of my filet processing standards are always compromised to a quantity over quality issue.
Well, I guess Anne & I are extremists. We carry a 45 qt. cooler in the boat for the fresh caught stripers. The cooler starts each day with a block of ice in it. As a striper is caught a gill arch is cut while unhooking the fish and it is dropped into the cooler. Each fish adds blood to the cooler as well as water from the ice it melts. We stop fishing every two hours for the few minutes it takes to filet the fish, place the filets in a "ZipLock" bag and return it to the "bleeding cooler". After a days fishing it is short work to vacuum seal the fish in meal-size packages and place them in the freezer. By morning they are rock hard and when the freezer is full, it's time to go home and enjoy some of the best white fish meat one could want (even if it IS frozen, Wayne :) ).
We are always shore tent camping, but I follow the same procedures (but the filets go into a ziplock bag and a cooler to be vacuum sealed when we get home). These filets are great for six months at least. Taking the extra time is well worth it imho!
We are always shore tent camping, but I follow the same procedures (but the filets go into a ziplock bag and a cooler to be vacuum sealed when we get home). These filets are great for six months at least. Taking the extra time is well worth it imho!
15 years ago Anne & I invested in a 45 qt. "Engel" 12 volt freezer that is still going strong after all that time shore tent camping by truck & boat, and now mostly with our pickup camper. Best purchase we ever made for Lake Powell (other than our boat). The freezer draws 3 amps while running (intermittent) and holds -10ºF even in the summer. We freeze five big blocks of ice at home that fill the freezer (about 50# of ice) and use the ice daily, making room for the nightly influx of filets. A 200AH marine battery and a small Honda generator run every couple of days for charging tops off our answer to the ice issue at Lake Powell.
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