I used to drive by that place every day going to work and back and finally stopped in to see what was there, we hit it off right away as we were both Packer fans, then I became a regular and worked on Leroy's Suburbans and jet boats. He was definitely one of a kind.You should have been there back in “80” or so when he had a Polka Festival at the Pleasure Park with “Weird Al Yankovic” in the pavilion. That was a night I barely remember, but a lot of fun was had by all. Sq. My apologies for hi-jacking this thread, but it brought back so many great memories of floating the Gunnison back in the day. Sq
Fish and Game people in the west have been on campaign for years to get rid of them, they have "kill derbies" all over western Colorado (smallmouth too), claiming they are non-native invasive fish. Rainbows and browns also happen to be non-native invasive fish, who have nearly wiped out the native cutthroat trout. This all started when the USFWS implemented the Upper Colorado Endangered Fish Recovery Program in 1988 and the feds threatened to withhold funds to the states if they didn't play along. They're theory is that the pike and smallmouth will get into the rivers and wipe out the suckers and squawfish. One CPW official was quoted as saying "trout only eat bugs"I’m not saying I want northerns in Powell. That said, I don’t understand the hate for them. Good eating. Great fighting. Grow big and fast. And in many areas, they naturally reproduce.
I’m not saying I want northerns in Powell. That said, I don’t understand the hate for them. Good eating. Great fighting. Grow big and fast. And in many areas, they naturally reproduce.