Pictures from San Juan Trip

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wayne gustaveson

Staff member
As we monitored gill nets for 2 days on the San Juan we were fortunate to see some of the scenic wonders from the Piute Bay portion of the lake. From hte beginning we were watched over by the lone bald eagle who sits on the rock spire at Piute Canyon all winter long.

Then we had a visit from the burros who hang out there.

I included a scenic shot of the lake on the way up when the water was calm.

We had a chance to fish for a short time after the gill net work was done.

Finally we warmed up over the fire before departing the next morning.





As we monitored gill nets for 2 days on the San Juan we were fortunate to see some of the scenic wonders from the Piute Bay portion of the lake. From hte beginning we were watched over by the lone bald eagle who sits on the rock spire at Piute Canyon all winter long.

Then we had a visit from the burros who hang out there.

I included a scenic shot of the lake on the way up when the water was calm.

We had a chance to fish for a short time after the gill net work was done.

Finally we warmed up over the fire before departing the next morning.

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Great shots, Wayne! I know exactly where those burros were. I walked down those "stairs" when we trash-tracked that cove back in July.

Tiff :)
The pinto one is named least that's what he told me. During my recent SJ trip there were at least a dozen burros between Neskhai and Piute. Several were belly deep in the water...never have seen that before. In Neskhai there were two making the next generation. Chuck
Spelling has gone the way of the Dodo.
Grammer is virtually nonexistent.
Word definitions, spelling and pronunciation are mutating faster than a 3-legged frog in a bucket of DDT.
Idioms are just twisted to mean their wording rather than the intended meaning, i.e. There was a "Bum's Rush" to get into the Black Friday Sale.

But those caps, hmmm,, hmmm. Well I still know what they look like AND even better I know how to type them on my keyboard. OMG! THAT"S JUST BEYOND THE PALE! Have we no decency?

Evyone shood ony ooze caps as thay r ment 2B oozed.
Awl the rest is optional.

Happy Thanksgiving and I now leave you all with these famous lyrics from "Help Me Rhonda" by the Beachboys"

"Well since she put me down there's been owls pukin' in my bed"

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For those who have eyes manufactured in the 1930's, 40's, or 50's or received a defective set, there is a useful feature in your web browser. It's called "zoom", it's like a magnifying glass for your computer. Go to the settings tab(sometimes it looks like a gear, usually in the upper right corner of the browser). Adjust the number up until you can see clearly. Works great for PC's, but not sure about smartphones(I guess the old spread with your fingers is the only option there).
I have been using the latest "iPhone Etch" which has a 'manual zoom' function that is very handy. Perhaps if I had zoomed a little closer I would not have misspelled 'grammar'.

Oh well, lesson learned.

Anyway here is my new iPhone Etch

iPhone Etch-Normal 800.jpg
& "Zoom"
iPhone Etch-Zoom800.jpg


Thanks for sharing some great visuals. Although I often get a bit jealous, it brings the lake to me when I can't be there.
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