Photos - Flight over Lake Powell 8/4/19

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Since we are very near high water for 2019, I took some photos of Lake Powell today - They appear in order starting at the Castle Rock Cut heading up-lake to Hite. The sun was not out so many of the photos are not as good as I'd like them to be, but it is still interesting to look at several of the photos compared to those that I posted in March of this year (link still available) at much lower water levels.

Flight over LP August 4, 2019

The water becomes visibly murkier at Good Hope Bay but was relatively clear below that point. I'll try to get some better photos and photos of the San Juan arm next trip and will post. These were all taken from an elevation of 6500 ft. -Doug
Thanks so much Pegasus for the great photos! I enjoyed every one of them. Gives me a much better idea of what the Hite end looks like. Thanks again.
Wow Doug, truly amazing shots. I wish I could be a passenger with you sometime! I leave for Bullfrog in 4 days and usually head down to Escalante area and your shots of Register Rocks and Cortonwood area answers questions I had of that area at this level. The shots of Reflection are also truly incredible. Water north of Bullfrog looks better than I thought it would.

Not trying to be picky but do you have any shots between that second to last shot around mile 67 and Bullfrog mile 99?? Escalante? Looks like you uploaded your whole SD card but I thought I'd ask.

If it's okay I might try to save some of these for future reference. Mark
Wow Doug, truly amazing shots. I wish I could be a passenger with you sometime! I leave for Bullfrog in 4 days and usually head down to Escalante area and your shots of Register Rocks and Cortonwood area answers questions I had of that area at this level. The shots of Reflection are also truly incredible. Water north of Bullfrog looks better than I thought it would.

Not trying to be picky but do you have any shots between that second to last shot around mile 67 and Bullfrog mile 99?? Escalante? Looks like you uploaded your whole SD card but I thought I'd ask.

If it's okay I might try to save some of these for future reference. Mark
Mark, we flew up the North-side of the river, so as a passenger I was looking at the channel and south of the channel. I'm not sure why there are no photos from mile 67 to 99 :unsure:. But you are correct, I uploaded all the photos that I took yesterday.

I can tell you that, compared to a couple of weeks ago, the lake was deserted once you passed Padre Bay. There were no boats in Dungeon, only one in Oak, only a couple in Friendship Cove, none in Cottonwood (it looks like there were several good sites there), a couple around the mouth of the Escalante, none in the Rincon, and one lone boat above Good Hope bay. It was actually eerie being only the first week of August - the next few weeks are what I consider the best weeks of the year on the water and it seems to have quieted down quite a bit already! I know my grandkids start school this week, so I'm guessing that has something to do with it.

And feel free to download copy/use any photos you'd like. And thank you and other WW members for your comments - you're definitely welcome. I hope I can get us all some more photos this weekend that include the San Juan arm. If you have any specific photos you'd like, let me know - no promises but I'll try to get them for you. -Doug
Yeah that was the other thing I noticed it seem really deserted down there I saw lots of good, abandoned spots in those pictures. That's why I was also curious what the Rincon area, Iceberg, slick rock look like during your flight, if they were more crowded. I usually go late June or mid-july this will be my first mid August week probably ever. My kids start school three days after we get back I would expect that a lot of kids are probably already back in school this week or next. That cabin cruiser tucked up in the back of Regester Rock's area has an absolutely amazing spot. I had that when the lake was 20 feet lower back in 2013. I'll be Scouting on Friday and that's the one of the first places I'm going to look....

Mark, we flew up the North-side of the river, so as a passenger I was looking at the channel and south of the channel. I'm not sure why there are no photos from mile 67 to 99 :unsure:. But you are correct, I uploaded all the photos that I took yesterday.

I can tell you that, compared to a couple of weeks ago, the lake was deserted once you passed Padre Bay. There were no boats in Dungeon, only one in Oak, only a couple in Friendship Cove, none in Cottonwood (it looks like there were several good sites there), a couple around the mouth of the Escalante, none in the Rincon, and one lone boat above Good Hope bay. It was actually eerie being only the first week of August - the next few weeks are what I consider the best weeks of the year on the water and it seems to have quieted down quite a bit already! I know my grandkids start school this week, so I'm guessing that has something to do with it.

And feel free to download copy/use any photos you'd like. And thank you and other WW members for your comments - you're definitely welcome. I hope I can get us all some more photos this weekend that include the San Juan arm. If you have any specific photos you'd like, let me know - no promises but I'll try to get them for you. -Doug
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