Overnight beach close to Rainbow Bridge?

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A couple weeks before we hit the water and tying up some loose ends.

Given the current water elevation, is there a beach close to Forbidding Canyon where we can spend the night? It does not have to even be on the same side of the lake. I have marked Rock Creek as a possibility but I was just wondering if there was something closer. If you have creek/inlet name I can reference on Google maps that would be awesome!

Thanks in advance!
Oak Canyon is about 6 miles from the mouth of Forbidding Canyon, Rock Creek is about 17 miles so that is better. Oak is uplake from Forbidding. There may be a spot in Forbidding past the left turn into Rainbow Bridge but that may take some exploring. Sheep Canyon is about 6 miles before the entrance to forbidding and mostly slickrock but I'd bet there is some sand to stick a boat onto. RockCreek is nice but you can get alot closer. Have fun,be safe.
I camped (loosely speaking) with friends in a houseboat up Mountain Sheep Canyon a couple of weeks ago - there were several sandy beaches but anchoring required pins - we used existing pin holes that were not perfect angles but worked. Sand anchoring was not possible for a houseboat - a medium cruiser boat could have used sand anchors. It was about a 10 minute cruise to Rainbow Bridge from there. Very nice canyon for camping.
Excellent. Thank you both! I was checking out Oak Canyon but it's hard to tell if there was enough sandy beach there to spend the night. We are on a rental so pinning isn't an option for us. We will have to anchor.

Really looking forward to a week of fun!
I can almost guarantee a sandy beach in Oak. I am going on a 3 day tent trip starting this Tues.. I will check out Oak for you since we will be fishing it anyway. I will report when I get back. bird
I parked our houseboat in Oak for three nights 10 days ago. There are lots of places to tie up and/or shore camp. I'd not think there would be much competition for spots this late in the season. Chuck
I can almost guarantee a sandy beach in Oak. I am going on a 3 day tent trip starting this Tues.. I will check out Oak for you since we will be fishing it anyway. I will report when I get back. bird

Awesome! Thanks in advance!

Rather than start a new post, does the Page Walmart sell 5 gallon bottles of water? Asking for the wife!
You folks are the best resource! Aramark doesn't offer anything tangible on their website and the last time we were there the boat class was pretty skimpy. Thankfully we know what we're doing. For the most part at least!
Oaks terrain is so varied that there virtually is no time that a decent spot can't be found. Is has so many hilly areas that provide shelter. One of the best views of Navajo Mt. as well, where the fins are so visible. Eye arch only a mile away. The probability of Anasazi shards and arrowhead chips on the sand make it a fun place.
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