NPS & Fishing License Check

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I have been checked for my fishing license just about once a year in the bullfrog area -- Usually two guys in a bare bones boat come by and flash the badges. No concerns because we all have yearly licences and I make sure my guest are also licensed.

We were in Moki a few days ago and a NPS boat approached and asked for identification and our fishing licenses. No issues and friendly rangers. I didn't realize that NPS checked for fishing licenses--- I always thought it was just Fish and Game who did that -- It appears that my assumption was wrong ---

FYI -- The fishing was slowwwwwww--- but it was windy -- water temp 75 -- Tons of shad in some of the back canyons
I had the Game & Fish check us back in the 90’s once, never since. Moki canyon, 2 guys in a “rat” boat, flashed badges as one of the women on the boat was landing a Striper. They told us we “had to keep the fish”. I rarely keep fish. They left and the fish swam away. The NPS did stop me once, he thought I was going too fast past a houseboat, parked in the entrance to Hall’s bay swimming. Sq
I don't get to fish on my south end trips very often, but when I do, I must have a 'license check' beacon on as I've been license checked 4 out of my last 10 times fishing over the past couple of years - 2 by Utah patrols, 2 by Coconino County patrols. I believe Fish and Game LE is thought of separately, I just wish the other various LEO's were as diligent in enforcing the myriad of other obvious and dangerous water-related laws being broken on the lake during the busy summer months. F&G seems to be overzealous, and the rest nearly non-existent until after an accident happens (i.e. no preventative presence). I'm not throwing stones as I don't know the facts - maybe they are too busy handling accidents to do preventative work?

p.s. - on one of my stops the AZ patrol did do a few safety checks - one being my fire extinguisher expiration date. FYI your fire extinguishers, by law, must be replaced every 10 years even if the pressure is still in the green. The date is stamped on the bottom of the marine extinguishers.
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can you elaborate on the stamp on the bottom of the fire extinguisher.........the stamp is the date of manufacturer, correct? So they expire 10 years after the date on the bottom. And then you mentioned "marine extinquishers" There really is not really marine grade fire extinguishers are there? thanx for your comments
can you elaborate on the stamp on the bottom of the fire extinguisher.........the stamp is the date of manufacturer, correct? So they expire 10 years after the date on the bottom. And then you mentioned "marine extinquishers" There really is not really marine grade fire extinguishers are there? thanx for your comments
Yes, you are correct, the stamp on the bottom is machined into the bottom, not a sticker. And they expire, for legal marine use purposes, 10 years after that stamped date (the date of manufacture). And you are also correct that there are not marine extinguishers, just different ratings on what the propellant will extinguish. Many of the smaller marine extinguishers are white and not red, but not specifically marine in any other way that I"m aware of. Attached is a photo of one of my old extinguishers manufactured in 200120190919_094844.jpg
Good info , thank you for this thread. how old before kids need their own lic in Utah?
That’s a good question...per Google, Utah - 12 yrs, Arizona - 10 yrs.

UT and AZ licenses are now valid throughout Lake Powell so which rule applies for kids fishing on Powell?

The answer I got from NPS and Stix in Page (they sell licenses) is it depends on where the kids are fishing. If they are fishing at the South end below the Utah border in Arizona, they must have a license if 10 yrs or older.

Anywhere uplake on the Utah side, kids under 12 won’t need licenses.

Disclaimer: Your Mileage May Vary (i.e. real-life experience may differ, so please share/elaborate/correct as needed)
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