North End projected fishing for Nov 1st -4th?

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Brandon A.

Active Member
I was wanting to make a trip down from SLC to try for some SB! Would the water temp still be favorable? Thanks in advance.
10-4 on that! I appreciate you chimming in and all that you and everyone here in the forums discuss. I will post a full report after the trip.

Tight Lines
It may be negative but there is a possibility of a positive outcome as well. The quick drop will require shallow fish to find new habitat. If shad are displaced and searching for a new home home that may trigger a positive feeding response from predators always on the lookout for shad moving in open water.

The other positive outlook is the weather is feeling more like a normal fall event instead of the crazy weather that we have had the last two weeks.

Let us know how you do!
I was hoping for the positive outcome, as in with the flow increasing it would trigger a feeding response in all species.

Did not think about the displacement logic.

Will definitely keep you posted.

I will be fishing alone Tuesday thru Friday, then Sue arrives on Saturday.
Wow, I hope we dont become the endanger specie. Can you get a boat on Blue Mesa, my favorite trout pond, has been past the ramp for two month's. But when the ice come's on in November, it will be good fishing, but there will be no fish in it next year, unless it snow's, like it has rained here in the last month, where people cant get to it, or it's to deep for these auger's, most people use here.
Steve, have you been back down, I would have been, but boat problem's, are keeping me from it. Oh well, hopefully there's another year.
Have a good one.
Going down Wednesday. Pulling the Hooligan on Thursday. More winter work on her. In Blue Mesa it is river channel where the bridge crosses over the used to be lake. With all that rain only 2 days did it come up a fraction. Marrow and Crystal are in pretty good shape though
A guy I know caught some nice perch in Blue Mesa and threw them back, he said he didn't know what they were and wasn't about to eat them
You do not want to be fishing during the draw down, I can tell you that from experience. The water temperature at stripper city was 63 in the green water and 56 in the incoming brown water. Fishing was good to excellent last Monday through Friday from Red canyon to Trachyte. The river is coming down in front of Farley and white and hitting the far south wall to the south of Stripper city and flowing straight into Trachyte, which is too muddy to fish. Fishing was better north of the Horn than to the south.
So is fishing over this year after the draw down in Bullfrog and the Northern part of the lake? 9 feet is quite a bit, will one still be able to put a boat in at Bullfrog?
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