New to Forum, 1st timer houseboating

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I have inspired a group of 4 couples (all 50-70ish in age) to rent a houseboat (and runabout) on Lake Powell the last week in September. Due to time constraints, we are only out for 4 nights. I figured on heading for Gunsight as our 1st (and maybe only!) camp. I've been reading posts and Michael Kelsey's guide to get some sense of what to do and where to go. Can we expect the lake to be fairly quiet during the week? I am figuring on going as far as Rainbow Bridge on 1 of the 3 full days we have (with a look at reflection canyon if possible). The other days I thought we'd hike gunsight, labrynth and/or west canyons. Are there challenges in getting a 19' boat far enough up those canyons to be able to hike? I could go on, but help with these basics, would be a great start. Thanks in advance for any insights you can offer.
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My first advice is to really pay attention to the weather you don't want to be on Powell in a storm. Plan on moving the houseboat in the morning it is usually calm at that time. Late September should be good weather but you can get storms that time of year. I am a North end boater and never been to the areas you mention so can't help. So when time comes to beach the boat put your youngest and strongest people on the anchors.
I like to always have a few young bucks on board for this job. If you have to dock in a rocky area be very careful make sure your people have good shoes on no flip flops. September will be a lot cooler than mid summer warm days and cool nights. The two things for me that are important and need to be taken care of are fuel and ice you don't want to run out. We are heading down this weekend for a week love this place. Have a great trip.
I have inspired a group of 4 couples (all 50-70ish in age) to rent a houseboat (and runabout) on Lake Powell the last week in September. Due to time constraints, we are only out for 4 nights. I figured on heading for Gunsight as our 1st (and maybe only!) camp. I've been reading posts and Michael Kelsey's guide to get some sense of what to do and where to go. Can we expect the lake to be fairly quiet during the week? I am figuring on going as far as Rainbow Bridge on 1 of the 3 full days we have (with a look at reflection canyon if possible). The other days I thought we'd hike gunsight, labrynth and/or west canyons. Are there challenges in getting a 19' boat far enough up those canyons to be able to hike? I could go on, but help with these basics, would be a great start. Thanks in advance for any insights you can offer.

Kelsey's guide is quite accurate. All 3 of those canyons have good hiking options. The 2 unknowns are how many boats will be there before you arrive and how far can we boat up canyon before the hike begins. This changes with water level which is declining rapidly right now. Sometimes a lowering lake offers more hiking access and sometimes it restricts and then changes again as it goes down another foot or two. I think you will find good access in at least one of 3 selected canyons.
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