Nevada legislature takes serious look at tearing down Glen Canyon Dam [Guess who testified for it?]

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Escalante-Class Member

Nevada legislature takes serious look at tearing down Glen Canyon Dam
Posted 5:47 pm, June 2, 2017, by Max Roth

CARSON CITY, Nev. -- For boaters and tourist businesses in southeastern Utah, draining Lake Powell would be a disaster. But for environmentalists and those who rely on water from Lake Mead, it might be a dream.

The two sides faced off in Carson City, Nevada on May 17 in a meeting of the Nevada Senate Committee on Natural Resources.

They were discussing Assembly Joint Resolution 4, which would have called on the federal government to study Colorado River water management, including the possibility of draining Lake Powell and destroying the Glen Canyon Dam.

The Salt Lake City based non-profit, the Glen Canyon Institute, was on hand to testify in favor taking down the dam.

"In no uncertain terms, the Glen Canyon Dam is one of the most environmentally destructive projects in our nation's history," said Eric Belken, executive director of the Institute.

Belken cited harms to native species, destruction of a unique natural and cultural landscape, and the disruption of the natural cycle of erosion and replenishment of soil downstream in the Grand Canyon.

On the other side of the debate were water managers from Southern Nevada, including Andy Belenger with the Southern Nevada Water Authority. Belenger told the committee Nevada relies on cooperation from other states with Colorado River water rights, including Utah.

"That cooperation is contingent upon us as Nevadans not trying to antagonize other states," Belenger said.

The lower body of the Nevada legislature, the State Assembly, passed the measure, but the State Senate did not.
GCI just will not go away - I take it the Nevada legislature is majority D's? Thank goodness we have a sane Interior Secretary! So why isn't Friends of Lake Powell testifying in these hearings???
My humble observation of life has taught me that most people don't realize the impact they have on others. In that vein, there are many people who comment in this forum that are intelligent and influential. I would wonder why some of the wordlings are not at these impotant meetings representing the vast majority of folks who love Lake Powell just the way it is and understand the complex relationship it has with humans who rely on it's water. I would even consider donating money to cover expenses to those who would represent us.
That'll never happen!
on 5-27-2017 in the thread 'Glen Canyon Should Stay Drowned' bubba said:
Come on people, just "think" and you have your answer. Don't react to this propaganda and the person spoon feeding it to you. Draining Lake Powell will never ever happen. But, if it does happen it will be Trump being stupid and talking stupid and acting stupid and doing stupid which actually makes it very possible any hour of any day.

Blaming everything on Trump notwithstanding, whenever someone says," [insert issue here] will never happen!" the hair on the back of your neck should stand up.... because...
In the movie 'Next of Kin' Patrick Swayze" said:
You ain't seen bad yet, but its coming
As an example: One of many lies and half truths told by the Democrats in the push for Obamacare was that 'Nobody is pushing 'Single-Payer' and this IS NOT 'Single-Payer'. Single-Payer Healthcare will never happen!

Fast forward a few years and the Tell is obvious. The Nation on 6/2/2017:
The Nation said:
The California Senate Just Passed Single-Payer Health Care
The movement for "Medicare for All" is real, and it's winning. By John Nichols
And the best part is the estimated cost of an additional 4 Billion which is only more than tripling the annual budget. Wait, wait, upload_2017-6-3_12-1-52.png, it gets better... There is absolutely no consideration given to a funding mechanism or how to pay for any of it. Sweet, huh?

There are many more examples I could give, But don't worry 'cause, Draining Lake Powell, Yeah, That'll never happen! :eek:
GCI just will not go away - I take it the Nevada legislature is majority D's? Thank goodness we have a sane Interior Secretary! So why isn't Friends of Lake Powell testifying in these hearings???

luckily the Nevada legislature does not run the country. As I hear it, the Rinos in NV, campaigned on cutting spending and then passed the biggest tax increase in NV history, and got their lying asses voted our last year!
My humble observation of life has taught me that most people don't realize the impact they have on others. In that vein, there are many people who comment in this forum that are intelligent and influential. I would wonder why some of the wordlings are not at these impotant meetings representing the vast majority of folks who love Lake Powell just the way it is and understand the complex relationship it has with humans who rely on it's water. I would even consider donating money to cover expenses to those who would represent us.

A lot of us donated to Friends of Lake Powell and they attended these meeting and in some cases testified - successfully I might add. I know Gem attended at least one or two meetings in the Salt Lake area.... A lot of the hearings over the years have been held where people were not dialed in on this. Clearly the Nevada legislature is looking to fill Mead from the Colorado so they don't have to face the fact they may end up needing to pipeline water to Southern Nevada... remember Nevada receives the smallest allotment from the Colorado of any State in the compact.
That'll never happen!

Blaming everything on Trump notwithstanding, whenever someone says," [insert issue here] will never happen!" the hair on the back of your neck should stand up.... because...
As an example: One of many lies and half truths told by the Democrats in the push for Obamacare was that 'Nobody is pushing 'Single-Payer' and this IS NOT 'Single-Payer'. Single-Payer Healthcare will never happen!

Fast forward a few years and the Tell is obvious. The Nation on 6/2/2017:
And the best part is the estimated cost of an additional 4 Billion which is only more than tripling the annual budget. Wait, wait, View attachment 624, it gets better... There is absolutely no consideration given to a funding mechanism or how to pay for any of it. Sweet, huh?

There are many more examples I could give, But don't worry 'cause, Draining Lake Powell, Yeah, That'll never happen! :eek:

Wait until the residents in CA find out their jobs have left for Texas or AZ or... because the employers refuse to pay the 15% employee tax they are going to levy to pay for their single-payer system... and if it works like FICA .. well that means everyone who DOES have a job just had 7.5% more taken out of their paycheck and like FICA is not tax-deductible in April. And the really rich thing is it is not Medicare for all... it is Medi-Cal for all. Good luck finding a doctor as the doctors will relocated to other states faster than you can say blink... because the reason most doctors refuse to take Medi-Cal patients in CA is they cannot AFFORD to treat a Medi-Cal patient [average $16 a visit payment].

As for blaming things on the President. Like trying to keep us from having constant terrorist attacks like another tonight in London or the 9 children with explosives strapped to their bodies who just killed a lot of people in Camaroon? Jobs growth best since 2007? Trying to lower taxes so we have even more jobs? Surely not pulling out of Paris - which had nothing to do with the climate and everything to do with redistributing USA income to 3rd world nations and a non-binding agreement the USA had already spent a billion dollars toward and not one other nation in the agreement had coughed up a single dime??? If trying to keep us safe and prosperous is bad - I want more bad.
A lot of us donated to Friends of Lake Powell and they attended these meeting and in some cases testified - successfully I might add. I know Gem attended at least one or two meetings in the Salt Lake area.... A lot of the hearings over the years have been held where people were not dialed in on this. Clearly the Nevada legislature is looking to fill Mead from the Colorado so they don't have to face the fact they may end up needing to pipeline water to Southern Nevada... remember Nevada receives the smallest allotment from the Colorado of any State in the compact.
Friends of Lake Powell was big when I lived in Page (1996-2006) I was not involved with it though so did not know much about it other than I thought they were a good group. Are they still around? What did you mean when you said they were not dialed in on this. I just heard again last night from some Southern Utah locals that St. George is going to get water from Powell via a pipeline. I've heard this kicked around for some time but those folks were pretty sure it was happening. I said the pact would not allow that and their reply was that some big developer was already greasing the palms of the big boys. Any info on this development

Friends of Lake Powell was big when I lived in Page (1996-2006) I was not involved with it though so did not know much about it other than I thought they were a good group. Are they still around? What did you mean when you said they were not dialed in on this. I just heard again last night from some Southern Utah locals that St. George is going to get water from Powell via a pipeline. I've heard this kicked around for some time but those folks were pretty sure it was happening. I said the pact would not allow that and their reply was that some big developer was already greasing the palms of the big boys. Any info on this development

Paul still posts here from time-to-time on water level related issues. When we had Shad rallies they always raised money for the organization. I have no idea if he is till fighting GCI. I have to assume he is, but these things wear a person down.... We were very active on this for a while back in the early part of the drought as GCI was emboldened to use the drought for their own ends and Paul testified very successfully to shut them down.. If I recall correctly that time it was against Brower, who was still alive at the time.
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