Need Slurp information

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wayne gustaveson

Staff member
I am headed out tomorrow to take video of slurping stripers for a UDWR video presentation. If anyone saw slurp concentrations over the weekend please let me know. We will be working anywhere from Wahweap to Escalante. The number of slurps declined late last week in the Last Chance area. I am trying to increase our chances of finding the right spot before heading out tomorrow. I have not been above Dangling Rope while chasing slurpers this month. If you saw a great spot over the weekend I would like to see it tomorrow.


Wayne, I know you're probably out on the lake already, but we just got back from Powell late last night. We saw slurps all over the Escalante, and all over the channel on the way back to Halls. The slurps are active right now!
The most recent info I have to report was from June, 15th. At that point, the biggest concentration of slurps was between San Juan, and Dangling Rope. It made for an interesting boat ride home from the Escalante. At least 7 times I stopped abruptly, grabbed a pole and caught 2 fish before they went down. All in the main channel :cool:
Wayne, we saw over ten 'groups' of large slurping stripers in the main channel between APM and the entrance to Warm Creek two days ago very early - about 6 a.m. They would almost let us run over them before diving deep (we were cruising at about 8 knots). -Doug
Sorry camped in syncline with no service. From DR to Paiute they have been random. Paiute was good for the last four days but yesterday it was windy and we didn't see much. We stopped a bunch around bouy 49 for some good size slurps yesterday. Cha has been ok as wel. Mostly 8-12, 7- dark and then randomly between. Small schools here that are running about 2.4 mph and twitchy. Still good fishing though. Good luck. BTW I was told yesterday morning that DR would be out of fuel by the evening.

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