There is a new policy allowing access to additional shorelines(decisioned in August last year). White Canyon, Farley Canyon, Blue Notch, and Red Canyon are included. They are going to institute a yearly ORV permit, but I haven't seen/heard of any progress on that front. Attached is a snippet with the relevant information on page 10(attached). The way I read the new plan is that conventional motor vehicles have access year round(with permit), and street legal ATV's will have access from March through October(with permit). All areas are off-limits to OHV's(all vehicles not included in the first two categories). We normally fish Farley/White and in the last 3 years(fishing 5-6 times per year), we have seen a ranger twice in Farley. I personally think it's silly to put a plan in place in August without being ready to offer the permits. If it were me I'd go ahead and take the UTV in and plead my case if it comes to that(perhaps printing this page or the full document(I can't get a working link to attach)).