Well-Known Member
Ok so a while back I saw that a major manufacturer had finally listened to all of us PWC fisherman and built a PWC for fishing. At first I was frustrated thinking that my set up was not unique anymore. Then I realized that this could be a very cool thing. So I contacted Sea-Doo and told them what I was doing. Long story made short they helped "arrange" for me to get 4 new 2019 Sea-Doo Fishpros. Last week KSL Outdoors spent a few days on The Lake with me or rather Up Lake Adventures, filming for a new episode that will Air this Saturday June 1st on KSL (Thanks to Wayne). I am very excited about our new skis. They are incredibly stable and work wonderfully for fishing. With the extra storage on these I will not need to tow the Hydro Trailers. I have already taken clients Up Lake and they work great. These come from the factory with an ice chest, 4 rod holders and a Garmin fish finder. Very cool set up. I am guessing that these will be very popular. They also have cruise control, 9 trolling speeds and brakes. Yes a breaking system that works amazingly well. For those who do not get KSL, I will post the youtube link about a week after it airs live.
Happy fishing...

Happy fishing...