March 22-24th

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Well-Known Member
Just got home from 3 days on the lake. Our timing was pretty poor weather wise, but any time in powell is a good time.

We Got on the lake about noon on Wednesday. The winds were fairly calm and skies overcast. Water temp was 58. The wind kicked up shortly after we arrived and the water temps dropped to the low 50's. Due to the winds we mostly trolled the bullfrog area on Wednesday and ended up with about 15 stripers. We did take a break from trolling and tried to find some wind sheltered shoreline to throw some jigs and cranks at. We found a couple walleye in the process, but overall very, very slow.
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On Thursday the forecast was for wind and rain all day. It ended up being windy but not much rain so we went out and trolled again. Most of our success trolling was in bullfrog bay again. Not wanting to get to far away from the marina in case the winds got really bad we only travelled as far as moqui but had no success trolling or jigging over there. We did hit a couple small coves off from the main channel and hooked up with a couple decenst smallies on cranks.

Friday, was supposed to be calm winds and sunny! However it also was the day after a cold front pushed through and my experience has been that those days are usually really slow fishing and that was pretty much the case. I had a friend with me who hadn't been to powell in 30 years, so with the good weather I wanted to either run up lake to good hope or down lake to the rincon / escalante. I chose the rincon / escalante due to how amazing that end of the lake is. The water down there was super clear. We could see about 20 - 25 ft down. This made beating the shore a litte more challenging, but we couldn't find fish, they weren't in the shallow gravel areas, or in the rocky structure. Water temps were still cold around 54. We found a school of stripers on a 20-30 shelf that dropped off to deep water. The water was so clear we could watch them under us. I dropped some spoons and brought one in, but it seemed they either weren't interesed or didn't like the boat there. We ended up trolling some cranks across it and picked up 2 more before they disappeared into the deep water. We then headed to the escalante for some sight seeing and some hopeful fishing. We ventured back to the very back of a unnamed canyon fishing the shore line with jigs and cranks and not seeing fish at all along the way. At the very back the water temp finally hit 58 and we started to see a pretty congested area of unwilling bass. I managed one Largemouth. It was the only bass caught on soft plastics the whole trip! The water was so clear we could watch the fish check out our lures and swim away. I threw senko's, jigs of all colors and cranks and we couldn't coax them onto our lines. There were even a number of those skinny unhealthy stripers swimming around that we couldn't convince. So around 3 pm we decided to head back to bullfrog and troll up some stripers. We found success in doing so and picked up a striper about every 10 minutes trolling and ended up with about 15 or so by days end.
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Overall pretty slow days for Powell fishing and it was very tough to find bass let alone get them on the hook. About the only thing I could catch with plastics were rock fish and a solid walleye. But it was nice to get away and I never complain about being on powell!
Love the photos. And I am SOOOO jealous of the room in that boat. Lord, lead me not into temptation. I can find it myself.....
wonderful shots. I'm going May 11th and I thought I was impatient but after seeing your trip I'm absolutely nutty impatient. Sorry the fishing wasn't stellar but you are right, any time on Powell is special.
How did the new boat do on gas? Did she handle the wind as well as you hoped?
It really depended on how I used it. I have the guage that will tell me what GPH the motor is using and the gallons used and if I had it WOT it was consuming 29.4 GPH...:eek: Definitely not fuel efficient. But that was also pushing it at 57 MPH If I kept it around 40 MPH I was using about 15-19 GPH. As far as the wind the boat did great in rough never got too sketchy on us but the boat handled it well. Although trolling with the kicker it would want to wander a little in the heavy wind....if I dropped the big motor it would help to stabalize it a bit.
wonderful shots. I'm going May 11th and I thought I was impatient but after seeing your trip I'm absolutely nutty impatient. Sorry the fishing wasn't stellar but you are right, any time on Powell is special.
We will be back down the 15-20th of May and the next week of good weather in April. Hopefully that good weather comes quick and I can get back down sooner than later.
Although trolling with the kicker it would want to wander a little in the heavy wind....if I dropped the big motor it would help to stabalize it a bit.
Using the Minn Kota iPilot to steer with will help with that. However, if you plan on using it a lot on any given day for working shorelines for bass, then using it for trolling may run the batteries low prematurely. I use mine running full time to help with steering and control and almost never for working shorelines. My old boat used a 12v iPilot with 2 batteries in parallel for extra capacity. My new boat will have a 24v system and using 4 batteries isn't in the cards right now so it will be a learning curve to find out how long they will last on any given day. And looks like you had a great trip even if the fishing was slow. I'll be down there on the 18th of April for 5 days.
It really depended on how I used it. I have the guage that will tell me what GPH the motor is using and the gallons used and if I had it WOT it was consuming 29.4 GPH...:eek: Definitely not fuel efficient. But that was also pushing it at 57 MPH If I kept it around 40 MPH I was using about 15-19 GPH. As far as the wind the boat did great in rough never got too sketchy on us but the boat handled it well. Although trolling with the kicker it would want to wander a little in the heavy wind....if I dropped the big motor it would help to stabalize it a bit.

Unless I am doing my math wrong, there really won't be much difference for you running long distances at WOT vs that 40 MPH in fuel consumption. Your speed is almost 50% higher, and your GPH is around 50% higher as well (at least at that 19 GPH range). More fuel used/hour vs more speed and less time, I would error on the side of more fuel used to have more fishing time.

That is where I struggle with my little Lund and 60 HP engine. I can run from Bullfrog as far north as the lake goes, fish all day, and come back on less than 15 gallons of fuel. But I am over 60-90 minutes of run time as that engine will only push the boat about 28 MPH. I'd love to go to a bigger boat/motor, and would be willing to have the sacrifice of more fuel consumption to have a longer fishing day and shorter travel time. Just a matter of figuring out what that right balance is. It looks like you might have found it.

Oh, and the small feat of convincing my wife (and pocket book) that I NEED the new boat.......
Is that a camera on your buddies head in the second pic? And I see he was using the Fat Free Shad. Love that crank!
Is that a camera on your buddies head in the second pic? And I see he was using the Fat Free Shad. Love that crank!
Yes. He had a couple of the contour's. I think he is putting together a video. I personally never want to take the time to video / edit / etc, but always love it when someone else does!
Unless I am doing my math wrong, there really won't be much difference for you running long distances at WOT vs that 40 MPH in fuel consumption. Your speed is almost 50% higher, and your GPH is around 50% higher as well (at least at that 19 GPH range). More fuel used/hour vs more speed and less time, I would error on the side of more fuel used to have more fishing time.

That is exactly why I went with this set up. I'd rather get up or down lake quicker and fish more! It just sucks to litterally be able to watch your fuel gauge draw down as you ride!
Hey mtnpull,
Do you have the I-pilot link on your new set up or just I-pilot.
Just wondering because I recently bought that same remote and had to send it back because Hummingbird told me it would not work with the Link set up and I had to go with the smaller (key fob) type.
Hey mtnpull,
Do you have the I-pilot link on your new set up or just I-pilot.
Just wondering because I recently bought that same remote and had to send it back because Hummingbird told me it would not work with the Link set up and I had to go with the smaller (key fob) type.
I had the I pilot link on my last boat and didn't use much of the features of the link, so this time I opted for just the standard I pilot.
Thank's for your reply. I guess they were right. I haven't used much of the features either but thought it might be nice when I add a nav. chip some day that I could get trolling motor to follow a certain depth contour.
Hope to meet you on @ the pond some day. Wife & I will make are first trip I believe 5/15/17. Will be staying at Bull Frog camp ground. White and Burgundy/silver 1880 Ranger Angler.
Did you get a chance to use your new bait caster?
Yes, I used it a bit. Did pretty well with it. I only busted it out on Friday when there weren't any winds....I didn't want to even try with the winds on Wed and Thurs. I only ended up with one backlash and turned the magnets down a bit. Now, the accuracy of the casts were mostly what I wasn't happy about. We'll see with some extended use next trip how that improves.
When I first started with my bait caster, I tied on a half ounce weight, went out in my back yard and started casting it. I took a five gallon bucket and used that as my target. Start with it close and then move it out as you start to get proficient. It is all in the thumb when to stop the line from going out. I've said enough. Good Luck!
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