Male vs Female: A Brief Lesson in Striped Bass Biology

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Striped bass
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The striped bass (Morone saxatilis), also called Atlantic striped bass, striper, linesider, rock or rockfish, is an anadromous Perciforme fish of the family Moronidae found primarily along the Atlantic coast of North America.

It has also been widely introduced into inland recreational fisheries across the United States. Striped bass found in the Gulf of Mexico are a separate strain referred to as Gulf Coast striped bass.[2]

The striped bass is the state fish of Maryland, Rhode Island, and South Carolina, and the state saltwater (marine) fish of New York, New Jersey, Virginia, and New Hampshire.

The history of the striped bass fishery in North America dates back to the Colonial period. Many written accounts by some of the first European settlers describe the immense abundance of striped bass, along with alewives, traveling and spawning up most rivers in the coastal Northeast.[3]

On a more relevant tangent, the attached photo shows the pink healthy looking organs of a virile male Striped Bass, vs the green veiny (seemingly unhealthy) organs of a ripe female and her egg-filled sacks just prior to spawn.

If you look closely you can see thousands of eggs spilling out of the cuts in the green veiny sack.

When I first saw these organs I was alarmed thinking one fish was healthy and good for eating, and perhaps the other was sick or contaminated with poisons or something sinister... but I was totally off base.

What I was seeing is simply the difference between a male and a female.fullsizeoutput_2a4a.jpeg

Wayne set me straight.
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