LVS shooting fallout at CBS

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A school teacher posted something similar as have a lot of liberal Hollywood types and Hillary could not wait to make this an iss at 4 a.m. Nevada time. I was still up watching and they were still processing bodies at the site at 4 a.m. I hate people making this political or about guns. It is people who do this and all over the world where guns are banned, like Paris, people find a way.

Vegas Shooting Survivor: ‘In a World Where Everyone is Kneeling,’ He Saw People Running Towards Danger

Warner Todd Huston2 Oct 201714
It’s a universal truth, that we see the best of people in the worst of times. Another thing those troubling times do, is make us appreciate who the true heroes in life are.

In an interview on Fox News, one survivor of the shooting in Las Vegas referenced the millionaire players and their NFL protests by saying he saw people running into the danger instead of kneeling in anger.

“In a world where everyone is kneeling, I saw hundreds of people standing up and running towards the danger:”

The person went on to praise the first responders saying, “These first responders… I didn’t know what to do in this scenario, they are individuals who are obviously trained very well, running towards automatic gunfire with nothing but a pistol on their side. I mean, who does that?”

The caller’s comments stand in stark contrast to the cowardly assault on hundreds of concert goers outside Las Vegas hotel Mandalay Bay late on Sunday night. 64-year-old Stephen Paddock murdered nearly 60 and injured hundreds when opened fire out of the window of his room on the 32nd floor of the hotel.

Follow Warner Todd Huston on Twitter @warnerthuston. to lose your job with a repugnant FB post. I'm sure a university somewhere has an opening once this is added to her resumé to lose your job with a repugnant FB post. I'm sure a university somewhere has an opening once this is added to her resumé
HMMMMMMMMMM! Degree from the same leftist indoctrination institution as the America hater that occupied our White House for the last 8 years. Maybe she can get a job flipping burgers at McD's. Actually she is a traitor! to lose your job with a repugnant FB post. I'm sure a university somewhere has an opening once this is added to her resumé to lose your job with a repugnant FB post. I'm sure a university somewhere has an opening once this is added to her resumé
Pretty typical CBS though, follow Dan Rather on Social media and his opinions..........and you wonder how the news get portrayed or tilted?
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