Looking for a good Pop-Up Shelter for Lake Powell

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Looking to purchase a good pop up shelter that can handle the weather at Lake Powell when properly secured. Any suggestions on the best ones out there?

Hate to spend good money on something that cant handle the typical winds etc that arise from day to day.


May I suggest you anchor it down before you put the top on. I anchor mine with a rope or strong paracord with 5” wooden disks trough the middle with a knot at the end. Dig down about 18” fill with sand then water then sand till the hole is all filled up. It’s amazing how many shade canopy’s I see in the dumpsters at the top of the ramp. And in the lake people leave !
Buy inexpensive. Take the shade material down whenever you leave camp and/or at dusk. It's really only a 30 sec-1 min operation. They can be damaged even with solid staking. Twisting will be exerted.

I have an older EZ-Up brand and I find removing just one corner, folding it back across the top towards the attached corner and clipping it with solid clips, it will withstand winds that I estimated at about 40 kts. It just sheds too much air to damage it. The surface area of the canopy is probably only about 30% of fully deployed. Mine has velcro at the corners for attaching the canopy.

Of course I do stake it with sand stakes.

Sometimes I drop the legs, too, but I am not sure this isn't a disadvantage because the proximity to the ground allows for more lift from crosswinds. But it is easier to retract and re-deploy the canopy if it is lower.
I know I have shared this before but for those who have not seen these, here it is. Yes these are spendy like 700.00 however, they are amazing. I have used mine for over 6 years and have set it up over 150 times. I now have several and use them all the time. They anchor with the provided sandbags and have NEVER blown away and I have been in some crazy wind storms. Takes about 15 min to set up most of that time is filling the sandbags.

Here is a video from a few years back.

You can get them here.
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