Let’s Talk Cyberbullying

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Active Member
And this site is ripe when it comes to climate and politics. In the last week I attempted to back someone’s views on climate, after being away for years, but apparently nothing has changed. Immediately insults, name-calling, intimidations, inappropriate suggestions start appearing all over again, and by the same crew. Here is how is goes: The sys admin finds some click-bait that matches her agenda and posts. Someone meagerly attempts to point out the fallacy and then her cyber-guardians mercilessly ponce. Rinse and repeat. This typically works, as meager posters immediately back down from the intimidation, and the cyber bullies declare victory with “this is all that all left has?”

So what is the problem here? It’s not the posters who are expressing a counter-opinion. They already now that these trolls are not worth responding too. The problem is the intimidation created by the cyber bullies silences those afraid to present their point of view. You do realize kids read this stuff? And kids imitate. And you’re telling them that their teachers are full of leftist lies? You are telling them that critical thinking is not important. Just listen to what I have to say and do as I say. Don’t read into the problem cause I’ll just call you names if you do. This is really a great legacy this site is having on impressionable young kids and how to behave in public.

These would be my recommendations should any of this matter:

First and foremost, limit responses on a thread to 2 maximum. If you can’t say intelligently what you need to say after two posts, you are just harassing your readers. Second, promptly ban bad behavior without warning. Third, the sys admin needs to stop posting click-bait. It’s her job to admin, not provoke. It would be my bet that this site would increase in useful discussion as more posters would not be intimated to express themselves, and traffic to this site would skyrocket knowing there well balanced opinions and everyone's point of view matters.
Here's why your thoughts are not well liked here:

On the spectrum of (I'm not sure what to call it) people who love Lake Powell on one end to hard core environmentalists on the other (I'm not saying that you are one of those - just trying to lay out both ends of the spectrum), your thoughts/ideas are on the hard core environmentalist side - I'm not saying how close to the end of that spectrum you are but you are definitely on that side.

Remember this site is largely populated by people who love Lake Powell (and fishing there).

People at the end of the spectrum you are on want to drain Lake Powell.

What did you expect?
The Coal Plant Article came from the New York Post. The Bears Ears article came from the Lake Powell Chronicle, the Blizzard article came from CBS Denver station... in fact I make a point to post articles only from reputable sites, therefore your version of "clickbait" is actually articles you do not agree with and to not like people disagreeing with your position. Sorry, I will continue to post articles as I deem fit from reputable sites, if you disagree with them then you have the option to a] not read them, b] not to post to them, c] post to them knowing people may not agree with your position or d] stick to the fishing board where we discuss nothing but fishing 24/7.

As for bullying, on a regular basis I edit one person's posts when they step out of the bounds of what we allow on this board. I did not allow name calling of the prior two administrations nor will I allow name calling of this administration as I expect people to respect the office no matter what side they are on the political spectrum....
The biggest problem with a liberal mindset, is that they can't accept the fact that someone might disagree with their point of view. Then, if someone does disagree, they must be illiterate hillbillies that don't understand the "scientific method", and should therefore be banned. The scientific method requires the hypothesis to be questioned. This site is primarily a source of information regarding fishing and recreating at Lake Powell, not a political science class. If you don't like the members or admins, I suggest you stay away from the Issues forum.

PS: I think the admins do a great job of letting everyone speak their mind(including themselves) after all I do believe we're still in America, right?
Need to teach your kids to develop a thicker skin and to toughen up. If they find things on here to be bullying then they may need to visit other sites where that actually occurs. Disagreement is part of life. Sheltering kids from adversity is what needs to be banned. It is harming them for life and not preparing them for the real world. If they disagree with their boss do you think they can get him banned? I can see foul language and personal insults to be of concern but this site is very well monitored for that. JMO.
It's so important that 'issues' are brought up on this site as what happens in DC affects all of us as users of this executive agency ran recreation area. It's not my 'opinion' as to the content and intent of our Constitution...it is fact. Facts that the majority of people seem to be very ignorant of. If children are reading about then it's probably one of the ONLY places they get the real info...good on that! Critical thinking skills are sorely lacking today...its all about emotion vs right/wrong and lawful.
I appreciate this site for ALL it offers...and, of course, there's always the option of not 'clicking' on a post much less the article it refers to.
I, personally, like thought 'provoking' discussions...its where we share ideas, ideals and find solutions.
I also find that those who are easily intimidated rarely know the facts, hence, their feeling of being 'bullied', as facts stand on their own merit...feelings don't. I don't think that's an opinion? lol...I like people a lot, but, dang...I'm so tired of how everyone has chosen a 'side' without knowing all, if any, facts!
And this site is ripe when it comes to climate and politics. In the last week I attempted to back someone’s views on climate, after being away for years, but apparently nothing has changed. Immediately insults, name-calling, intimidations, inappropriate suggestions start appearing all over again, and by the same crew. Here is how is goes: The sys admin finds some click-bait that matches her agenda and posts. Someone meagerly attempts to point out the fallacy and then her cyber-guardians mercilessly ponce. Rinse and repeat. This typically works, as meager posters immediately back down from the intimidation, and the cyber bullies declare victory with “this is all that all left has?”

So what is the problem here? It’s not the posters who are expressing a counter-opinion. They already now that these trolls are not worth responding too. The problem is the intimidation created by the cyber bullies silences those afraid to present their point of view. You do realize kids read this stuff? And kids imitate. And you’re telling them that their teachers are full of leftist lies? You are telling them that critical thinking is not important. Just listen to what I have to say and do as I say. Don’t read into the problem cause I’ll just call you names if you do. This is really a great legacy this site is having on impressionable young kids and how to behave in public.

These would be my recommendations should any of this matter:

First and foremost, limit responses on a thread to 2 maximum. If you can’t say intelligently what you need to say after two posts, you are just harassing your readers. Second, promptly ban bad behavior without warning. Third, the sys admin needs to stop posting click-bait. It’s her job to admin, not provoke. It would be my bet that this site would increase in useful discussion as more posters would not be intimated to express themselves, and traffic to this site would skyrocket knowing there well balanced opinions and everyone's point of view matters.

I followed that thread, and actually learned quite a bit, and I'm surprised that you feel like it is a case of cyber bullying. The rebuttals to your claims provided reputable articles, not click bait as you so condescendingly accused. The gist of your post here as I understand it is that you don't like when people disagree with you or provide counter evidence to your claims. And when they do you get upset.

I personally enjoy the articles that Waterbaby posts. I find them quite informative. Also, your suggestions for how to "improve" this site would definitely stifle any good discussion thereby reducing the quality of posts and interaction.
And this site is ripe when it comes to climate and politics. In the last week I attempted to back someone’s views on climate, after being away for years, but apparently nothing has changed. Immediately insults, name-calling, intimidations, inappropriate suggestions start appearing all over again, and by the same crew. Here is how is goes: The sys admin finds some click-bait that matches her agenda and posts. Someone meagerly attempts to point out the fallacy and then her cyber-guardians mercilessly ponce. Rinse and repeat. This typically works, as meager posters immediately back down from the intimidation, and the cyber bullies declare victory with “this is all that all left has?”

So what is the problem here? It’s not the posters who are expressing a counter-opinion. They already now that these trolls are not worth responding too. The problem is the intimidation created by the cyber bullies silences those afraid to present their point of view. You do realize kids read this stuff? And kids imitate. And you’re telling them that their teachers are full of leftist lies? You are telling them that critical thinking is not important. Just listen to what I have to say and do as I say. Don’t read into the problem cause I’ll just call you names if you do. This is really a great legacy this site is having on impressionable young kids and how to behave in public.

These would be my recommendations should any of this matter:

First and foremost, limit responses on a thread to 2 maximum. If you can’t say intelligently what you need to say after two posts, you are just harassing your readers. Second, promptly ban bad behavior without warning. Third, the sys admin needs to stop posting click-bait. It’s her job to admin, not provoke. It would be my bet that this site would increase in useful discussion as more posters would not be intimated to express themselves, and traffic to this site would skyrocket knowing there well balanced opinions and everyone's point of view matters.
The people here are almost the same and the majority will not favor your posts because of your past posts.
In an attempt to do my part & reign in any disrespectful talk of any kind I present some examples of how to be courteous & respectful when posting and/or replying. All courtesy of rjm.

"...on this web site, it's a non-starter, since any attempt explaining science will be vilified..."
"...Contrary to your nationalistic instincts, the US ranks in no 'good' category as being one of the greatest countries on Earth..."
...All of which are way too complex to explain here..."
"..To the representative of this site who has a problem with Bill Nye, why are you not banned ? Your arguments are hostile and have no merit other than sadistic humor..."
"..If you like CO2 so much, may I suggest Venus. It's in the perfect Goldilocks zone..."
rjmronster, May 9, 2017 at 9:15 AM

"...and with no name calling..."
"... short-sighted-- I promised no name calling, so that's the least offensive name I could come up with..."
rjmronster, May 9, 2017 at 5:34 PM

"...Why do you confiscate the issue at hand with this noise ?..."
"...I don't have time to research this spew;..."
rjmronster, May 11, 2017 at 10:18 AM

"...Despite claims in a prior click-bait wind energy article on this thread,..."
rjmronster, May 14, 2017 at 3:36 PM

"...Here is how is goes: The sys admin finds some click-bait that matches her agenda and posts.... then her cyber-guardians mercilessly ponce..."
"...They already now[sic] that these trolls are not worth responding too..."
"...Third, the sys admin needs to stop posting click-bait..."
rjmronster, May 14, 2017 at 3:52 PM

I hope everyone can find these tips of use.

It is not often that I get to have someone on the other side of a debate decide to prove a point for me. But why question the manna from above? ;)

Instead of taking backhanded slaps one at a time at people with opposing views in different threads, this thread seeks to shut down all opposition using the "I'm a Snowflake Victim" stratagem. An exception is made for those that debate with easily disposed of milquetoast rhetoric. I guess the Left has become spoiled by our GOP 'Surrender Monkeys' currently in Congress.

Said bullying for the most part is just strong opposition, the veracity or mendacity of which should be subject to debate, but should not be subject to banning.

The truthfulness of actual Click-Bait is never really challenged. It's purpose is to get you to view as many pages as possible so as to up the 'hit count' of a site. As such i feel compelled to steal a line from the movie Princess Bride in regards to "Click-Bait", rjm "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

Most standard Click-Bait is more akin to this example: 'You'll NEVER believe what these 25 [insert actors/actresses names] from [insert movies or TV shows here] look like now!" or "25 easy and fast ways to make a million dollars!" All of which must be on separate pages. It's not really untrue. It's just tedious 'clicking' through them.

I cannot even remember ever seeing actual Click-Bait with a conservative slant but do suppose that it may exist in some non-standard form.

Maybe I would click on one that said something like, "25 disgusting things Michael Moore does with Bill Nye and Lena Dunham while being filmed by Matt Damon!" or not.

I guess the Left has switched from the Fake News slur which didn't work out since they "spew" most of it themselves. Did I get that word right rjm? "Spew" is the correct way to say that isn't it?

That's the BIG TWO for this thread,
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