Last Chance Report

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wayne gustaveson

Staff member
The main website has been down for a while due to problems at the Yamamoto server. Those are resolved now and we are back in business. I posted a new report this morning from a fishing trip yesterday to Last Chance. We caught 55 stripers trolling casting and spooning in the back of Last Chance.

To view the report click here:

We hope you are having a great Holiday Season - Wayne

Have you gotten any reports from the back of Gunsight. I know in the past I've always found large numbers of stripers in the area around the forks. You Last Chance pattern sounds similar to what I've found in Gunsight in years past. :)

Ed Gerdemann
Have you ever fished late January or possibly the Presidents weekend? Thinking of coming down and hunting stripers. Thoughts would be appreciated.
Thanks for the report Wayne. I will be there the last week of the year for my annual Jet Ski winter trip. Let's hope they are still hungry then. It will be the new moon so we shall see.
Have you ever fished late January or possibly the Presidents weekend? Thinking of coming down and hunting stripers. Thoughts would be appreciated.

I try to go hunting stripers once a week all winter long. I caught my biggest striper on January 31st along with 25 other stripers. The big fish was caught near Lone Rock where Danny Vine caught his big fish recently.

Yes you can find active fish in January and February. It is not always easy but once a school is found in December they will normally stay in the same area over winter. Last Chance is a good choice. If you are leaving out of Bullfrog then it would be wise to review the old fish reports from previous years. Stripers are creatures of habit and young fish recently spawned tend to end up in the same canyons that their grandparents used. Old reports are helpful.
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Thanks for the report Wayne. I will be there the last week of the year for my annual Jet Ski winter trip. Let's hope they are still hungry then. It will be the new moon so we shall see.

Wow! Do you have a winter coat and hat? This is a Bob Reed I have not seen before.
I try to go hunting stripers once a week all winter long. I caught my biggest striper on January 31st along with 25 other stripers. The big fish was caught near Lone Rock where Danny Vine caught his big fish recently.

Yes you can find active fish in January and February. It is not always easy but once a school is found in December they will normally stay in the same area over winter. Last Chance is a good choice. If you are leaving out of Bullfrog then it would be wise to review the old fish reports from previous years. Stripers are creatures of habit and young fish recently spawned tend to end up in the same canyons that their grandparents used. Old reports are helpful.

Thanks for the advice Wayne. We would be leaving out of the Bullfrog area. Judging by the sounds of it the usual spots should produce - back of Bullfrog, the Haystacks out front, points of Halls, Moqui Canyon, etc....

As we get closer I will post a shout out to see if any one would like to join. I know it will be the dead of winter, but I need a fishing trip bad!!!
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