Never saw a Xeriscaped golf course, yet. How many golf courses in Phoenix/Scotsdale/Tucson/Vegas? Unless you can eat grass clippings, they should be paying a premium for water. IMO
While we are at it I believe we should adjust pricing based on "reasonable" need and responsible usage guidelines that I'm sure any "reasonable" person would agree with.
- Fuel - People on the lake already pay a premium due to logistical costs and mainly due to lack of competition BUT we really need to raise the costs of fuel for anyone just wasting that precious commodity out on the lake goofing off.....especially with the Global Warming Religion in full observance of our misdeeds.
- Food - This is a much wasted and overused commodity...just go to any buffet and see the excessive consumption and outright waste. Higher prices for overeaters and wasters seems "reasonable."
- Housing - So many people have far more square footage than is reasonable. A "progressive" scale for exceeding the minimum requirement to
punish tax housing gluttons would be "reasonable."
- Education - Just how many people get higher education and then use it little if at all after graduation? This waste of precious educational resources is terrible. I for one got a degree in mathematics and then spent my entire adult career as a fighter pilot. Makes no sense, right? I am just one of millions that could be retroactively charge a "reasonable" amount for wasted education. Note: We should also look at penalizing the Air Force for requiring a fighter pilot to be educated which he must then spend more than a "reasonable" amount of money on liquor in order to reverse the process. Which leads me to.....
- Liquor - Certainly anyone that drinks should be charged massive amounts of money for such a useless commodity. The fact that drinking is both the cause of and solution to all of life's problems notwithstanding. Note: For those that think it saves water, my research indicates that it does not, in fact, really save any water. Any apparent water savings is more than used up in the treatment of dehydration that follows.
I could go on and on but you get the point.
Disclaimer: These are not my ideas & I do not support any of them, well maybe #4 & #5 were mine. I think I heard all the others from that new congresswoman
Alexandria Occasional Cortex.
I believe everything listed above is a commodity and the free market can dictate a price...operative word being "free."
Remember that road to Hell and its paving material.
I wrote this in good humor and hope not to offend anyone.
Just wanted to remind people about that slippery slope and all.
PS: One last thought in case BartsPlace doesn't like the trend in this thread: Lake Powell, Lake Powell, Lake Powell, Lake Powell, Lake Powell, Lake Powell, Lake Powell, Lake Powell, Lake Powell.