Lake Powell dead pool

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Thanks for posting.

I don't think that the SLTribune article adds anything new to the conversation that hasn't been reported in the past. I wish I knew what / who to believe. Seems politics is always deeply embedded in the discussion and the science is presented as 100% accurate which history doesn't support.

I see some brutal political fights in the near future in addressing Colorado River water use.
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I agree Pegasus, I grew up on a dryland farm(relies on only rain to water crops) and it pains me to see people using precious water to flood irrigate. We are going to have to realize that water is a finite resource, and conservation/efficient usage is really going to be needed in the near future. More and more people are moving into the west putting additional strain on the resources.
Never saw a Xeriscaped golf course, yet. How many golf courses in Phoenix/Scotsdale/Tucson/Vegas? Unless you can eat grass clippings, they should be paying a premium for water. IMO

While we are at it I believe we should adjust pricing based on "reasonable" need and responsible usage guidelines that I'm sure any "reasonable" person would agree with.
  1. Fuel - People on the lake already pay a premium due to logistical costs and mainly due to lack of competition BUT we really need to raise the costs of fuel for anyone just wasting that precious commodity out on the lake goofing off.....especially with the Global Warming Religion in full observance of our misdeeds.
  2. Food - This is a much wasted and overused commodity...just go to any buffet and see the excessive consumption and outright waste. Higher prices for overeaters and wasters seems "reasonable."
  3. Housing - So many people have far more square footage than is reasonable. A "progressive" scale for exceeding the minimum requirement to punish tax housing gluttons would be "reasonable."
  4. Education - Just how many people get higher education and then use it little if at all after graduation? This waste of precious educational resources is terrible. I for one got a degree in mathematics and then spent my entire adult career as a fighter pilot. Makes no sense, right? I am just one of millions that could be retroactively charge a "reasonable" amount for wasted education. Note: We should also look at penalizing the Air Force for requiring a fighter pilot to be educated which he must then spend more than a "reasonable" amount of money on liquor in order to reverse the process. Which leads me to.....
  5. Liquor - Certainly anyone that drinks should be charged massive amounts of money for such a useless commodity. The fact that drinking is both the cause of and solution to all of life's problems notwithstanding. Note: For those that think it saves water, my research indicates that it does not, in fact, really save any water. Any apparent water savings is more than used up in the treatment of dehydration that follows.
I could go on and on but you get the point.

Disclaimer: These are not my ideas & I do not support any of them, well maybe #4 & #5 were mine. I think I heard all the others from that new congresswoman Alexandria Occasional Cortex.

I believe everything listed above is a commodity and the free market can dictate a price...operative word being "free."
Remember that road to Hell and its paving material.

I wrote this in good humor and hope not to offend anyone.
Just wanted to remind people about that slippery slope and all.
PS: One last thought in case BartsPlace doesn't like the trend in this thread: Lake Powell, Lake Powell, Lake Powell, Lake Powell, Lake Powell, Lake Powell, Lake Powell, Lake Powell, Lake Powell.
I put in Fake grass and I think all I did was allow California to keep building and allowing more unrestricted population flow from the Border.

Agreed, it is unrestricted growth in arid areas, lawns and pools in those areas, and the immense water use to grow winter hay in southern Cal.
It is easy to say we are in a drought, no one ever says we are over-using what mother nature is providing. Even more interesting is the fact that none of the people living or moving to these areas seem to be concerned about water.
I'm a believer in the free market, but I'm not sure why the law of supply and demand isn't having the effect of raising the price of this resource when the supply has been obviously reduced. We've seen a significant reduction in water availability, but the cost has hardly moved. Who's controlling pricing? I believe water managers are maintaining lower prices by "spending"/depleting the reserves of Lake Powell and Lake Mead as if we weren't in a long term drought.
I'm a believer in the free market, but I'm not sure why the law of supply and demand isn't having the effect of raising the price of this resource when the supply has been obviously reduced. We've seen a significant reduction in water availability, but the cost has hardly moved. Who's controlling pricing? I believe water managers are maintaining lower prices by "spending"/depleting the reserves of Lake Powell and Lake Mead as if we weren't in a long term drought.
I live in a SLC suburb. This year the water company that serves our area changed how it bills for water adding a non-linear rate increase - as their customers use more water each month the per gallon rate goes higher in tiers. In my specific case, I estimate that my water bill this year will be double what it was last year for the same amount of water used. There is no way that I could reduce my water usage far enough to achieve the same billing as last year without re-doing my entire yards landscaping - not an inexpensive thing to do.

So, some water utilities are making changes to help drive lower use and conservation - but I'm personally not sure it will really work and doesn't just increase profits for the water company.
how could you possibly clasify education as a waste. intellect will set you free to enjoy self reason instead of self pity.
I'm a believer in the free market, but I'm not sure why the law of supply and demand isn't having the effect of raising the price of this resource when the supply has been obviously reduced. We've seen a significant reduction in water availability, but the cost has hardly moved. Who's controlling pricing? I believe water managers are maintaining lower prices by "spending"/depleting the reserves of Lake Powell and Lake Mead as if we weren't in a long term drought.
There is NO free market here. This has become a utility and there is zero pressure up or down on the pricing. There is a single supplier and that is a monopoly not a free market. Those water managers will set the price because they can set the price. A free market would not allow that. Of course now you would get into a difficult discussion on how or even if a free market could be incorporated into a river's water supply. Don't think too long though because the various government entities have "assumed" ownership of it ALL and they are not likely to give that up. You can't even "self-supply" (code for private wells, etc.) your own water without restriction in some places like California.

That free market cow has left the barn and left plenty thirsty at that.;)

how [sic] could you possibly classify [sic] education as a waste. intellect [sic] will set you free to enjoy self reason [sic] instead of self pity [sic].
How could you possibly classify education as a waste. Intellect will set you free to enjoy self-reason instead of self-pity.
Hey bubba, LTNS,
There, I fixed the poor spelling and grammar for you. No thanks necessary. You are certainly welcome and glad that I could help you out. Let me know if you need more help.:cool:

Now if I could just figure out what in the world your statement means. It beggars belief that a free and well educated intellect actually wrote that. But then, who am I to judge.;)
PS: Lake Powell, Lake Powell, Lake Powell
Bubba finally shows up to give his input (granted, I think his satire gauge is busted, "like most leftists"), and you throw him back under the bus. I sure have missed you Goblin.
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