Lake Mead Observations

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Bill Sampson

Escalante-Class Member
I apologize for this as I know this is a Lake Powell website and I respect that. I know some of the viewers here also follow Lake Mead. I launched out of Temple Bar last weekend for 3 days. Although I don't fish, I did see slurps in a few areas, and there were a few fishing boats around. The Lake is 8 feet higher than previous years, so it was nice launching from a concrete ramp for a change. I ended up spending the day around the South Cove area. If you are familiar with that area at all, there is a large mass of land called Sandy Point directly to the North. The North side was always the preferred camping side, as the afternoon wind tends to blow from the South. Even with the Lake up 8 feet, there is no North camping available, as a massive debris field has blocked the area. My thought here is that if Lake Mead were to ever get close to full pool again, the National Park Service would have to contract with a dredging service or some similar business to remove the debris field or Greg's Basin access would be impossible.
I just wanted to post this as I thought some here would be interested.
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