The gulp alive 3" pearl flip tail minnows is about all my wife fishes with when we are casting. As Bobco said they will catch any thing that swims in Powell. The only difference that I can tell between the gulp alive and the regular gulp products is that the regular gulp products come in a plastic zip lock bag, and the gulp alive come in a little jar that has a juice that makes them more attractive to the fish. What ever that stuff is in the jar, it is nasty stuff if you get on yourself, anything in your boat. it's easy to wash off with water if you get it before it dry's. If you look back a year or 2 ago about this time of year, a friend of mine caught a 28 pounder right out in front of Halls creek marina using a 3"gulp minnow in smoke shad. He was just drifting around trying to find a school on the fish finder fishing in about 30 feet of water when it hit. Don't leave them on a hook out of the water for very long, as they will start to dry out and do not perform as well and if they dry out completely, you have to cut them off of your hook. Any jig head will work, but we have had better luck with the ones that are white or whitish and have a fish head and eyes painted on them.