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Well-Known Member
After four months of phone calls, emails and frustrating conversations with the Utah DNR law enforcement officer at Lake Powell we have found out there isn't any way we can have a boat owner cited or reprimanded for an unsafe violation of operating a boat. In other words for pulling a skier between boats sitting in a canyon less than 50 yards wide and coming extremely close to swimmers in the water.
The Utah DNR officer that contacted us about the incident tried to reach the boat owner by phone but never got a reply back. He finally resorted to writing a letter out lining the violations by certified mail. This is by far a lot more than the NPS chief ranger at Bullfrog did. She didn't even try to contact the offending boater. When I followed up on my request for action she sent me an email telling me she understands that I was not satisfied with "our" response to the incident. Like I said before she did not even attempt to contact us or the offender. The Utah DNR officer at least tried.

I did find out that when you call the NPS dispatch, 928-608-6301, that the North Lake Powell law enforcement officer from the Utah DNR will be notified. After talking with him several times I think he will do all he can to help. So may I suggest that if you are involved with something of this nature to contact NPS dispatch for assistance from Utah DNR. Also you can text or call 801-245-9834 after calling dispatch and if he is on the lake that day he will respond. I have absolutely no faith in the NPS rangers to do anything.

Attached is a picture of the boat that weaved through our boats pulling a skier. If you encounter this idiot doing things like that in the future calling those numbers may help. His boat is on record.image0000Hansen Creek.jpg
He deserves a ticket for many things: first off his cleat is out, his numbers are the cheap stickers (come on get some nice looking stickers) and who puts waterskis on a wakeboard tower...............JK;)

Sorry to say, most Law Enforcement agencies aren't going to do much if they didn't see it happen in person.
Not that I’m advocating for more aggressive behavior, law enforcement responds much more aggressively when it sounds like things will escalate.

A few years ago some teens broke into my buddies camp trailer on the street in front of his house. His wife calls the cops while he goes out. Cops are completely disinterested, told her they would send someone by for a statement, probably the next day. She pointed out that they were being held at gunpoint at the moment, should they hold them until tomorrow? Cop in the driveway in under 5 minutes.
Not that I’m advocating for more aggressive behavior, law enforcement responds much more aggressively when it sounds like things will escalate.

A few years ago some teens broke into my buddies camp trailer on the street in front of his house. His wife calls the cops while he goes out. Cops are completely disinterested, told her they would send someone by for a statement, probably the next day. She pointed out that they were being held at gunpoint at the moment, should they hold them until tomorrow? Cop in the driveway in under 5 minutes.
Excellent example of 'priorities'.....

But you can't really blame first responders for.

They are usually over burdened and over stretched. I've had several Sheriff & CHP friends who knew my handcuff size.

Seriously, They Gotta prioritize.

When I was in my early 20's an old....very old.....ancient.....think he was close to 40....:) gave me a valuable lesson. He said, if your power goes out, and they say we'll get there in a couple of days......mention you think you saw sparks.

They'll be right out.

I miss him.....

I am a retired cop. Don’t give dispatch false information because you don’t know what other calls they are handling. For example, I worked the barrio in Denver and we frequently had multiple serious crimes at the same time. Think shootings, stabbings, DV’s with SBI, sex assaults, ect. Dispatch tries to keep at least two cars in service while the rest of the district handles the crime scene. The cars in service are waiting for the next life threatening call to come out.
In the rural areas like Eagle county in Co, or Daggett county they only have one deputy on at a time. Those guys frequently have 50 to 60 mile runs with lights and sirens. It is extremely dangerous for the officers when they do this. So, before you decide to tell dispatch that you have a life threatening situation to shorten your wait time, ask yourself if it is worth someone possibly dying over.
I will get off my soap box now, but think before you act.

I personally would like to go back to the early eighties where you could just thump on the aholes, but those days are gone.
Common sense is the guide line for any calls to dispatch. Anyone who would lie to enhance a situation on the lake or even in town is as bad as the perps!! Yep rolling around in the sand thumping some AH was a lot more enjoyable years ago but I'm to old for that now.lol
Hats of to you for being a cop, you guys have my utmost respect and gratitude. Thank you.
I am a retired cop. Don’t give dispatch false information because you don’t know what other calls they are handling. For example, I worked the barrio in Denver and we frequently had multiple serious crimes at the same time. Think shootings, stabbings, DV’s with SBI, sex assaults, ect. Dispatch tries to keep at least two cars in service while the rest of the district handles the crime scene. The cars in service are waiting for the next life threatening call to come out.
In the rural areas like Eagle county in Co, or Daggett county they only have one deputy on at a time. Those guys frequently have 50 to 60 mile runs with lights and sirens. It is extremely dangerous for the officers when they do this. So, before you decide to tell dispatch that you have a life threatening situation to shorten your wait time, ask yourself if it is worth someone possibly dying over.
I will get off my soap box now, but think before you act.

I personally would like to go back to the early eighties where you could just thump on the aholes, but those days are gone.
Stored water from the Colorado River is critical for the well being of millions of people in the west. To advocate removing the dam to placate a few is detrimental to millions who depend on this source to recreate, drink and irrigate. If you don't know what irrigate is, it is watering crops so you can eat! Anyone with half a brain can see this. Just because you can't see or admit the benefits of water storage is no reason to ridicule those who can! Without the dam only a few people could enjoy the wonders of that beautiful place.
If you were standing on the sidewalk and someone came weaving down the street driving reckless and way over the speed limit narrowly missing you or your family I suppose by your way of thinking that would be whining to say something about it. There are idiots everywhere who have no idea what safe conduct is or concerns for people who depend on the water stored in our reservoirs.
This reply to your remove the dam post is very mild compared to what I would really like to tell you!!! But just like parts of our anatomy opinions are like a-------, everyone has one but you seem to have two and you are talking out of one of them!!!!
Let’s get rid off the dam, maybe y’all will stop whining about everything.
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