I’ll take the blame

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I’ll take the blame for the poor fishing this year and here’s why:
I moved to the St George area about 5.5 years ago. I hadn’t done any fishing in Utah since I moved here. I’d often heard of the epic striper boils at lake Powell and watched YouTube videos and dreamed of the opportunity to fish it. Last year, a buddy of mine back in Colorado asked me if I wanted his boat. Told me, “if you want it, come get it”. I of course wasted no time in driving to Colorado Springs to pick up the little Tracker Pro v16. I spent most of last summer getting it running again and re-flooring and putting new carpet etc in it. We did do some fishing and had a good time in other lakes in southern Utah last fall but all the while, I had delusions of grandeur of striper fishing Lake Powell. This last spring, a neighbor asked if ever fished Powell and I told him no. He then told me how to fish anchovies and turned us on to a few good places to try. With that info, the wife and headed to Powell one nice, late April morning. After a short learning curve, we caught striper after striper and had a blast. This had me waking up at night in cold sweats dreaming of boils and not hardly being able to wait until September/October to get here! As you’re all aware of the prolific Shad hatch this year has dashed many of our dreams of bay wide boils this year. This is obviously an amazing thing for the fish, it doesn’t do much for the fisherman.
So, I’ll take the blame as the fishing gods have smitted me for this years fishing dreams. I’m sure the improved fish health will be seen for a few years to come and I’ll just have wait to see what happens next fall.
You wont regret moving closer to Lake Powell and having a desire to catch boiling stripers which is the most exciting fishing that can be done in fresh water. You will have your dreams come true at some point. While waiting for boils make sure to check my posts concerning spooning. It could happen as soon as the water temperature drops into the 50s. Boils are great but spooning is awesome. Be patient and keep a close eye on the Fishing and Anglers Corner Forums for further word.
It will be worth the wait. In the meantime keep prepping and learning, at least now you’re closer to being able to actually fish them then you were prior to having a boat.

Right now Powell has me dreaming of some really fat hard fighting smallies next spring. Or maybe the Stripers are just waiting for us Vererans weekend... 😎
So now we know the rest of the story,;).I too have been reading about the great striper boils for years and now I'm here I didn't see a one today in the back of Wahweap bay, but did catch 4 trolling yamamoto grubs in the back of the bay in the last 20 ft of water. Going out again tomorrow through Wednesday and even if they don't boil it's still the best place to fish that I have found and if I don't get into the boil then I have a good excuse to come back next year.
So now we know the rest of the story,;).I too have been reading about the great striper boils for years and now I'm here I didn't see a one today in the back of Wahweap bay, but did catch 4 trolling yamamoto grubs in the back of the bay in the last 20 ft of water. Going out again tomorrow through Wednesday and even if they don't boil it's still the best place to fish that I have found and if I don't get into the boil then I have a good excuse to come back next year.
im hoping to be there Wednesday to try again.
I’ve been on the lake since Thursday until noon today. (10-20-2019) Not a single boil from Bullfrog to the end of Escalante, San Juan, Rainbow bridge, Dangling Rope, or anywhere in between. We did catch lots of smallies in the San Juan on Friday and Saturday.
A couple of things to remember. There is no such thing as a bad day of fishing, especially at Powell. Catching is sometimes not as good some days as others. If you want to catch boiling stripers, first new moon in August works for us every year. Best day this year for us was 142 on top water in red canyon, 275 in 3 days. If I can't find them boiling in Good Hope, Trachyte is usually a sure thing for boils. I too have caught stripers on top at Thanks giving. And you never know unless you go.
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