How to delete a drafted post before you post it?

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Keeper of San Juan Secrets
Several times I've started a post and then I decide I don't want to post it. I haven't found the way to delete it.
My clumsy solution has been to post it and then immediately delete it. Any better way?
My conundrum this morning was that I started to post a reply so the quoted text box was in my draft and I couldn't delete the text box. I started to back space the quoted text but it was pretty long (thank you JFR 😀), so I posted it and then deleted the post.
At the top of compose box for this screen (it may appear different on yours) there is three dots and if you hover over those it is called "More options". When you click on that one of the things that shows up is what looks like a camera to me and one of those will say "Delete Draft".

So, clear your text from the screen and then use that option to delete any stored draft version which might be around from autosaving. If you don't want autosaves I don't see any option to prevent those.
Look at that! You guys figured it out before I had a chance to respond! :)

Yes, floppy disk, Delete.

Erasing (backspacing) everything you've written also works.

Whether a feature or an inconvenience, the reason that drafts stay around is so that you can switch away, if needed, and come back where you left off.
Look at that! You guys figured it out before I had a chance to respond! :)

Yes, floppy disk, Delete.

Erasing (backspacing) everything you've written also works.

Whether a feature or an inconvenience, the reason that drafts stay around is so that you can switch away, if needed, and come back where you left off.
And I seem to switch away a lot lately in water discussions to check for facts rather than my fuzzy memory.
If you switch away before the autosave feature kicks in you may lose edits.

I normally open each thread in it's own tab so I don't switch around much.

And thanks for clarifying that it is a disk and not a camera. :)
My uncensored humor would be quickly censored by El Barto.

Sometimes (mostly on other sites) I write some very snarky stuff but I don't post it. I think with this autosave feature someone might get some entertainment out of reading those but I sure wouldn't want them posted...

In testing I don't really understand the function of Delete Draft, because if I just click on Delete Draft without erasing the text and then switch back and then come back again the text is still there. Autosave trumps Delete Draft or the buffering of the browser is working against my intentions. Oh well, it's a good thing I'm not typing anything top secret for the lizard kings.
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