Houseboat rental

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I usually camp or stay in page but I’m looking at renting a houseboat for the first time on a planned fishing trip April 11-14. Can I get some tips/recommendations/ways to save money? We’ll be coming to page.
Houseboating at Powell you are pretty much a captive audience. The only choices for rentals are either Aramark or Antelope Point.

If you are going to make this a yearly thing you can usually buy into a partnership for less than renting for several years.

We’ve been owners on several houseboats and were always able to sell out for about the same amount we bought in for. That way you are just out the yearly fees which are less than renting a boat.
I second what Ryan said - if you are going to do a trip at least 2 years in a row, buying a share could save you a lot of dollars. Example - buy a share for $5,000, pay $1500 annual dues this year and next, sell the boat share for $5,000. Essentially your week costs $1500 per year plus the pain of selling the share at the end. If you have a specific date of April 11-14 this year, it will be difficult to find a houseboat share with those specific dates available on such short notice. If you can be flexible, this is a good choice.

If renting from Aramark or APM, they may have early and late season discounts, so be sure to ask. I've also found it easier to make a deal with Aramark rental persons that are located on-site at Wahweap rather than the persons at the call center that you talk to if you call their 800 number. I can't believe how much their rates are for a 4-day rental now-a-days! Wow!
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Pegasus and I are most on the same wave length. Buy today, use for a couple years, then sell. Heck, even if you sold for half of what you bought into the boat for, you would still be ahead vs what it costs to rent.

And I would venture to guess that getting April 11-14 might not be hard at all if buying into a boat. Most of the boats are only used Memorial Day - Labor Day. Very few boats have weeks that are "owned" in April or early May.

Biggest variable would be if the boat has had its maintenance week, or if it is even in the water, as many now spend the off-season in dry dock now.
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