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New Member
Mostly a noob to Lake Powell, I had moved away from Western Colorado for a few years and now am back within striking distance of quick Lake Powell trips. I remember you used to be able to fish the covered slips at night and during the day. I browsed the forums and didn't see mention of this? I find myself with a 4 day stretch of time off in the next couple of weeks and was thinking of getting a room at Ticaboo and taking my Blushing Bride with me to do some fishing off the slips. We don't own a boat and honestly my complete inexperience of driving one makes renting one probably dangerous and frustrating. So can we still fish the slips? Is it worthwhile? Oh yeah...thinking October 20 through October 23. Thank you so much for the help!!
There are "no fishing" signs on the docks at Bullfrog - but I have only seen it enforced once. And that time NPS told people that they couldn't be on the main walkways, but could fish near the slips.

This time of year, I don't think anyone would say anything to you.
Technically, according to NPS rules we can't fish in the harbors but if you are respectful, don't leave trash or cut up fish and anchovies on the decks, this time of year you might not be bothered. Busy times of the year do it late in the evening. The biggest thing is don't make a mess on the decks that someone else has to clean up. Be respectful of boats and their owners, it goes a long way to not having complaints brought against you.
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