Hey botnb?

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there was no oopsie, that was mechanical failure with large quick decision making followed by fluid transfer and false flag armchair quarterbacking and great speculation........or so I was told
I remember a time when we were stranded in Seward Alaska for a month while our ship was in dry-dock getting the propeller hubs repaired. I frequented a nice little restaurant (okay, it was a bar) that overlooked the docks where the Kenia Fjords Tour boats would dock. They used to come it hot, slide out the stern (something a former XO used to call a "power slide"), then give her every ounce of reverse thrust her engines could muster, and glide neatly up to the dock. I remember commenting that it was very impressive, but if the engine ever died going into reverse that the next round would be on them since they'd be in the restaurant. I heard that it happened a few months after we left (not into the restaurant, but they did take out a section of dock) and I imagine that it must have looked a lot like that picture.
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