Heading to Powell tomorrow.

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Looks like we are heading into a bit of a storm. Not sure if it’s a good idea or not, but it’s the only weekend we have open till late December. figure we won’t know till we go, but wondering if some of you guys with more experience change up your fishing techniques before a front comes through. We will be launching at bullfrog and camping at Stanton Creek. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Do what has been successful for you, and what you do best. Take wet gear and be prepared for the day of 40% chance of rain. I turn that around, and all ways say, well there is 60% chance it won't😁.
The gravel island, which is connected now between Halls marina and Halls bay, has held Stripers consistantly the week I was there. In the back of Bullfrog has been great on and off. I threw Walleye assassins 90% of my mweek I was there. And trolled an Umbrella rig or curtain of death Kurtley calls it🤣, and a little spooning. There were some guys catching them on chovys one day off the big island closest to the Bullfrog ramp in 70 ft of water one day allso. So how ever you fish, start there no matter how weather is😊.
Thanks for the reply, Kevin. That’s kind of what I was figuring. I think we are gonna try and focus closer to bullfrog so we don’t get caught by the storm out in the lake. I’ve got most of mine, trolling, and a few fast spooning. Looking forward to the trip one way or the the other. Thanks again.
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