Gunsight shortcut into Padre open

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Chris, given Powell is at 3619.41 this am, what level do you think the minimum is for a low draught boat to get through at?

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Chris, given Powell is at 3619.41 this am, what level do you think the minimum is for a low draught boat to get through at?

David, thanks for adding it to the database!

How about the shortcut across Dominguez Butte?

Wayne could probably provide a minimum elevation and/or current clearance.

Not that we will get there this year but there is the same opportunity to short cut Gregory Butte as well. :)
David, thanks for adding it to the database!

How about the shortcut across Dominguez Butte?

Wayne could probably provide a minimum elevation and/or current clearance.

Not that we will get there this year but there is the same opportunity to short cut Gregory Butte as well. :)

The shortcut between Padre Butte and Dominguez Rock is usable at ~ 3610. Is that the same shortcut you are referring to?
Dominguez Butte restroom has some shortcuts that are now usable but I don't think that is the one you mentioned?
We went through there last year on Aug. 5th, in a houseboat towing a ski boat. Water level according to Water data was 3602.74. Did not look at depth gauge but followed another HB and clearance was fine, although it was getting narrow.
The shortcut between Padre Butte and Dominguez Rock is usable at ~ 3610. Is that the same shortcut you are referring to?
Dominguez Butte restroom has some shortcuts that are now usable but I don't think that is the one you mentioned?
Wayne take a look at the photo I attached. Is that the pass you’re referring to? I often use google because I’m not familiar with the various butte names.
We went through there last year on Aug. 5th, in a houseboat towing a ski boat. Water level according to Water data was 3602.74. Did not look at depth gauge but followed another HB and clearance was fine, although it was getting narrow.
We took the house boat through there on May 5, 2017, lake level was 3605 and the depth was 6' to 8' deep.
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We took the house boat through there on May 5, 2017, lake level was 3605 and the depth was 6' to 8' deep.
I just happened to be at this cut the day the water touched joining gunsight and padre bay several years ago and posted the elevation on ww but I don't recall the exact elevation. But I believe it is lower than what is listed on the water data page. If I can go look at the old forums I could find the exact number - anyone know how to do that?
I concur with this shortcut being open. Passed through it twice today.

I will add some detail. When going into the mouth of Gunsight Canyon there is a shortcut that allows you to turn right and enter Padre Bay. That cut is open now.

When heading toward Padre Butte there is short cut that allows you to cross the ridge line between Padre and Dominguez and head toward Dominguez Rock. There is one white rock buoy that actually marks the deepest spot in the shortcut. When the water declines and the ridge starts to show up again use that rock buoy as a marker. Pass about 10 yards to the right (when going uplake or left going downlake) of the rock buoy to find the safest passage.
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