Good Hope Bay Netting - Oct 1 - Nov 2

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wayne gustaveson

Staff member
We will be gill netting in Good Hope Bay from Oct 31 to Nov. 2. We expect to handle a large number of fish as we normally do each year. If anyone is going to be in the area and would like to help by weighing and measuring, filleting fish, pulling fish out of nets, etc., we could use a couple more helpers on any of those days.

We set nets on Monday and pick fish out of nets on Tuesday - Wednesday. Let me know if you are interested and we will contact you with details.
I've got my house guests here then or else I'd motor up there to help.
It would be kinda fun.
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Wayne, we are going to be just a day late. Driving down to Bull Frog Thursday night and staying thru the weekend. Planning on fishing Good Hope and a few spots between. Please post what you can. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
Rats I will be at Rincon when you arrive and not able to post on this site until Saturday. I will do that for you if you can find internet service on Saturday afternoon.
Does the netting adversely affect the fishing during / after ? Should we expect adverse fishing conditions the following weekend in Good Hope? I wouldn't think so, but thought I would ask. It is a big lake :)
I have been on a netting outing with Wayne and the team. It's an outstanding learning experience not only through what you see/learn during the netting but just being around these well educated experts. There are 12 nets that they set for 12 hours in generally the same places as previous Novembers. While the nets soak there's fishing to be get to fish with the master! When the nets are picked, the catch...mostly all young/small fish of every variety in the lake...are taken to the big boat where they are counted, analyzed for food content, disease and age. Those data are compared to previous years throughout the winter. There will be only minor perturbations on fishing and then only over a small area...Good Hope in general will not be impacted. Join the's great fun and something few ever get to do.
Wayne, we are going to be just a day late. Driving down to Bull Frog Thursday night and staying thru the weekend. Planning on fishing Good Hope and a few spots between. Please post what you can. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

Trachyte is the hot spot right now for boiling stripers. Enjoy your time there.
Does the netting adversely affect the fishing during / after ? Should we expect adverse fishing conditions the following weekend in Good Hope? I wouldn't think so, but thought I would ask. It is a big lake :)

Chuck summed it up well. He has a great memory since the time he helped we ran all the way to Piute Farms marina to fish. Copper and Mikes Canyon were good at the time but now they are dry waiting for the next wet year.
Wish I could go. Coming down Thursday night. Only time I can get away. I will miss it this year but please keep asking I would love to help. I do agree that the company and knowledge would be second to none.
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