Good Hope Bay 3/4-3/7

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Well-Known Member
Got to red canyon about 1 pm on wednesday. Looked for stripers in back around 40-60 feet saw some spooned one up very fat and healthy. Met Jesse a kayaker camping solo in the back of canyon. Talked with him and kind of teamed up to try and get more fish for both parties. Next morning tried backs of all canyons in Good Hope to no avail. Went back to Red and trolled picked up 4 in about 4 hours 1 on downrigger other 3 on long flatlines with deep diving husky jerks. Noticed Jesse was on shore a long time in back of canyon so went to talk to him. He was pounding the Stripers in 3-6 feet of water. He invited us to join him and we proceeded to catch 16 in the hours leading up to dark. We hit the spot again first thing in morning and it was the same thing fat stripers everywhere hitting husky jerks every other cast. We were at the last little bay in Red Canyon before it turns to the creek and ends. The water in this area was stained and about 4 degrees warmer than the rest of the area. All other water was 49 or so it was 53 in this small section. Fish are extremely fat and healthy and good fighters. Jesse if you read this thanks for sharing info with us hopefully next time we will be giving you the info. No walleyes or bass at all. Our trip only included 1 full day to fish. Tight lines to all.
Thanks for the info. We will be putting in at Bullfrog March 12Th. will be heading uplake near Red Canyon and Good Hope area. Also want to try one day near Iceberg if possible. Ready to fish.
Hoping to sneak down this weekend. Thanks for the info. I know where I’m gonna start fishing;)
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