Gold King spill news

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I read last week Pruit has started firing a LOT of people in Interior - oldies who have been a big part of the problem. They had been trying to undercut him inside the agency - pretty blatantly at that... I think he isn't going to put up with their attitudes... things will change, but it's not going to be easy, this swamp is very swampy in every part of the government and they are fighting the changes big-time.
That's the thing. You know that the gravy train bunch will do just about anything to retain their positions. It's really sad but I try to keep the faith. I read the entire Gold King article and all the highlighted articles pertaining to it, seems to me pretty cut and dry but lying seems to be tolerated and I can't imagine the expense the American taxpayer will have to pay to defend both sides. We now have lawyers hiring lawyers to defend each other while we just keep throwing money into the pig trough. Just saying.
I read last week Pruit has started firing a LOT of people in Interior - oldies who have been a big part of the problem. They had been trying to undercut him inside the agency - pretty blatantly at that... I think he isn't going to put up with their attitudes... things will change, but it's not going to be easy, this swamp is very swampy in every part of the government and they are fighting the changes big-time.
Are you ready for this? The new head of the EPA just ended a program that gave all the employees of the EPA free gym memberships. We Taxpayers were funding this to the tune of $1 million each year. I'm sure you all heard POTUS found out we were still paying people to figure out how to survive Y2K - again for millions of dollars. He put an end to it last week. This is part of the program to have each department head take hard look at where and how our money is being wasted.
Waterbaby, I think you are being very generous when you say"I'm sure you all have heard POTUS found out we were still paying people to figure out how to survive Y2K". You are a wealth of knowledge and I don't think you realize how ignorant the general population is, including me. I appreciate you sharing this stuff. I know that I know alot about stuff you don't know about but it's plumbing,cars,building, electricity and things that this forum is not about. I love to see the Powell related stuff you bring to it and I learn so much when researching things I never even knew about. Thanx Now that being said,working on the lake for ten years did give me some Powell insight.
Are you ready for this? The new head of the EPA just ended a program that gave all the employees of the EPA free gym memberships. We Taxpayers were funding this to the tune of $1 million each year. I'm sure you all heard POTUS found out we were still paying people to figure out how to survive Y2K - again for millions of dollars. He put an end to it last week. This is part of the program to have each department head take hard look at where and how our money is being wasted.
There needs to be ZERO based budgeting! Every department must justify every dollar requested, every year, or they don't get funded! That would save us Trillions! Government agencies are being sued for not wasting enough money! We are in deep doodoo, and the lying commie media refuses to tell the truth!!!!!
When the norm is wastefullness and scamming how long will it take to root out the thieves and connivers? Got to start sometime, how about now. A group that is studying how to survive Y2K 17 years later, give me a break. There has to be consequences but how can you have consequeces when the behaviour is considered normal. Got to break the chain.
The Environmental Protection Agency is hiding its incredible recklessness ( or worse ) in the affair by giving official accounts that are clearly contradicted by ample evidence in the government’s possession.

As the new EPA administrator, Scott Pruitt has an opportunity to drain a bit of the swamp by exposing the EPA’s cover-up.

In August 2015, the EPA intentionally - for superfund money - triggering a massive blowout that flooded the Animas River with 3 million gallons of acid mine drainage and, according to the EPA, over 550 tons of metals.

Had the EPA actually been doing what it claims it did, the disaster would never have happened.
“Based on my 47 years of experience as a professional geologist, it appears to me that the EPA is setting your town and the area up for a possible Superfund blitzkrieg,”

-Dave Taylor, one week before the EPA mine spill. in The Silverton Standard newspaper.
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