For Anyone Interested & Watches Our Videos

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Keeper of San Juan Secrets
For 2019 we want to put together a "Dungee How To: Lake Powell Series." We want to gear it towards some of those who are just starting out at Powell and maybe give them a good starting point on general overall fishing that is patterned after how we fish (we don't pretend to be experts in say spooning or worm harness'... yet!). Show the rods we like, line, cranks, soft plastics, rigging, and maybe even some camping and boating tips. For those who watch our videos here is there anything specific that you'd like us to go over? Any input is really appreciated.

Thanks, Preston

Thanks Preston for what you and all the Dungees do for the novices at Lake Powell. I would like to see more of what you use and how you rig your baits. I'm spending alot more time at Powell and still can't buy more than 1 or 2 walleye per trip. Thats pretty much why Goldie lets me go to Powell as much as I do, mostly solo is to bring home walleye. Thanks again. Sq.
I've seen a a handful of your vids, and they're a little on the "watching people catch fish" side. Not a criticism (I like watching people catch fish), and I know a lot of the vids appear to be more a personal "here's our adventures" type, but I personally really look forward to something a bit more instructional. You certainly don't have to be an expert in everything to demonstrate good ideas that work for you! Trust me, a lot of people -even those that are fairly successful- are always willing to learn more about what other people are doing that works. No specific suggestion (just basics about the species, time of the year tips and techniques, etc) but I think you'll have a large audience and I'll definitely be watching them.
Thanks @AzTacoma exactly what we’re looking for. I know we’ll always have a good number of trip videos, that’s just our style. Glad to see there is interest in a tutorial style of video as well. I’ve seen a lot of people be very intimidated by Powell, hoping to show how amazing and quite frankly how simple it can be fish.
Love your videos, Preston. Its a riot seeing Nixon catching fish.
I have fished Powell most of my life and have spent most of my trips South of the San Juan entrance. I would be interested on hearing about where you are at, what you are looking for on the graph and how the situation changes year to year based on different water levels. I would like to make it North when the stripers are boiling, but I know very little about that area.
Thanks for all of the information that you share.tom double.jpg
For 2019 we want to put together a "Dungee How To: Lake Powell Series." We want to gear it towards some of those who are just starting out at Powell and maybe give them a good starting point on general overall fishing that is patterned after how we fish (we don't pretend to be experts in say spooning or worm harness'... yet!). Show the rods we like, line, cranks, soft plastics, rigging, and maybe even some camping and boating tips. For those who watch our videos here is there anything specific that you'd like us to go over? Any input is really appreciated.

Thanks, Preston

I am very excited about the "How To: Lake Powell Series." We have seen you guys catch a ton of fish but there is often only a little bit on what we used, how we fished, where we fished. As you are drifting the shore catching bass like crazy show exactly what you are using, where to cast, how to let the lure sink, when to retrieve. From Your video I just watched that is exactly what you plan on doing. Thanks for sharing on this platform for your lake Powell stuff. It is so much appreciated.
Start with the basics. Type of knots, line/leader test and length, hooks and weight, etc. Then move into baits. I think it is just as important as the area/presentation where you are fishing. And these videos can be done from the comfort of your home. :-)

Looking forward to watching!
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I can't say much that has not already been said. This Lake Powell fishing thing is still new to us, but we have experienced some success and really enjoyed the journey...largely due to your input and videos and so much other encouragement and information from the great folks here on Wayne's Words!

It really helps to see how others do it in a friendly and enjoyable venue and seems to foster the sharing of information!

After reading Wayne's book, I realize we are all participants in Wayne's "Skunkworks" to more effectively gather real time information to support his Lake Powell mission. We really enjoy being part of it and the camaraderie!

Preston, I really like the idea of your podcast. It would be pretty informative to hear you discuss and flesh out some of the things that are in your videos. Sort of a behind the scenes look. I would even be interested in your boat camping approach, looks like you have it down pretty well. Maybe even take a question or two from the viewers each month...sort of a Lake Powell Bill Dance! LOL

We have learned a lot from you and your crew, and look forward to whatever you come up with!
Wishing you all a great new year!
Preston, I have been away from fishing for over 20 years. Now that I am retired and planning on moving closer to the lake, I plan on fishing again. Your videos will be very helpful to me. Thanks for your efforts.
I can relate, Bill. Raising a family and work put our fishing on pause. We just hit the play button this last year, bought a boat and are really excited about all the adventures that can be possible now. Having a boat opens up lots of possibilities but also requires new learning on the how to’s. This site and members have been great. Hope to see you on the lake!
I like the idea of some instructional videos. Nothing wrong with sharing baits and techniques.

Honestly I do have some concerns about showing specific locations. I know Lake Powell is a big lake, and I know it takes some commitment to get to certain parts of the lake, but I’ve seen more than one area get blown up due to too much exposure on the net.

Personally, I think specific locations are better kept to private messages.
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