Flights over LP archived?

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Well-Known Member
Pegasus’s photos over the length of LP have been great. We have been able to use the photos to make better fishing and camping plans for this spring after seeing what our favorite area looks like now at 3570. Pegasus said that he would be willing to leave the photos archived for future lake elevation resource if there was any interest out there. I am sure interested. Anyone else? To access them it could be as simple as searching Pegasus’s posts.
I think, Pegasus, as long as you don’t remove the pics or edit, they are now archived. Similar to Favorite Picture from LP. A person just needs to remember that you posted the pics of Flight Over LP and search your posts.
It is indeed archived. Flight over Lake Powell.. Way better than google earth as long as Pegasus is willing to do a fly over every week or two. Thank you again Pegasus. I researched your photos for May trip to San Juan.
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