fishing trip now or later?

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danny d

New Member
I know the answer is both but can only manage one right now.We are trying to make up for a canceled bass trip to mexico.We are planning our powell trip the week of april 24th, staying at a hotel.My questions are what is the best weather time and the best fishing time or does it matter?
Best fishing time is whenever the best weather time happens in the spring months. If you can be flexible, then pick the best weather days during the spring. Weather is usually a little more stable and predictable in the late summer/fall months but then fishing is a bit more unpredictable then, so its a give and take. We also have a trip planned for that time frame in April, we have to collaborate on schedules so we aren't as flexible and have to hope for the best weather, unless its going to be a hurricane we usually go no matter what and do pretty well regardless, spring time fishing at Powell is unmatched.
We have taken our yearly fishing trip about april 18th for many years but this year decided to go on may 12th thinking a little warmer water may be better. A week fishing should tell the story. The wind is always the wildcard. We will be on a houseboat so at least we'll be close to our spots for short runs. Y'all have good luck but leave a few fish for us.
Go in April if you want more solitude. Once the water warms up, the watersports/party crowd gets a lot bigger. Also, this year there will likely be a big mudline by May above Bullfrog.
Typically even "slow" fishing at Powell in April is better than most fisheries. Hit it up in April. Hopefully the weather will cooperate.
Best fishing time is whenever the best weather time happens in the spring months. If you can be flexible, then pick the best weather days during the spring. Weather is usually a little more stable and predictable in the late summer/fall months but then fishing is a bit more unpredictable then, so its a give and take. We also have a trip planned for that time frame in April, we have to collaborate on schedules so we aren't as flexible and have to hope for the best weather, unless its going to be a hurricane we usually go no matter what and do pretty well regardless, spring time fishing at Powell is unmatched.
Hey Dungee...How's the 27 and 28th, of this month, look to you? I'm making my maiden voyage to Bullfrog. Any tips to a long time fly fisherman making a transition to still water, spots in Bullfrog.
Hey Dungee...How's the 27 and 28th, of this month, look to you? I'm making my maiden voyage to Bullfrog. Any tips to a long time fly fisherman making a transition to still water, spots in Bullfrog.

Looks good to me! We will be back down the 31st. But send a personal message to TR, he has a lot more experience near bullfrog and a whole lot more experience fly fishing Powell. We've always done pretty well in the Stanton area and the stretches on both sides north and south leading into Stanton.
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