Fire Restriction?

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Check with NPS to be sure, but we have never had camp fire restrictions on the beach when we were there.
Camp fires below the high water line and in an area 4'x4' I think. I have never had any one hassle us for a fire.
Pretty hard to burn sandstone. Anything to burn at all out there, other than the menacing thorny beach weeds? I don't know that I've ever spotted even 1 tree on Powell.
Tumbleweed and tamarisk burn really good. Probably no raging forest fires but enough to garner unwanted attention from NPS.
Tumbleweed and tamarisk burn really good. Probably no raging forest fires but enough to garner unwanted attention from NPS.
We have set fire to many tamarisk. One year when the water was way down we had a great bonfire for a few minutes when we lit a cove full of dry tumbleweeds. Since we were way below full pool, and there was nothing but rock above us, we decided to help clean up the lake.
Tons and tons of drift wood in the northern side. Huge bon fire this year!!


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I had all the blow up toys bungeed down on top of the houseboat, came across a great campspot that was full of tumbleweeds 10' tall and twice as wide, long story short set the tumbleweeds on fire and quickly backed the houseboat up enough to not catch fire but far enough where the hot ashes fell on the top of the houseboat. Not enough patch kits to save any of it, be careful it is like they are soaked in gas. Still makes me chuckle though, it was a huge fireball!
Fun trumps old. The day will come when we are neither, so go for it, just don't hurt yourself or anyone else. Like Chet says, if it still makes you chuckle then you made a memory.
Hey, that is where my fish live!! Cut that out. My wife promptly got out and raked the shore Thursday when we beached the boat. I laughed and asked her if it was worth the trouble Friday morning when she had a whole new beach to rake! Then again on Friday afternoon!
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