Favorite Bass Recipes - Toni Chatto

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Here are my favorite bass recipes. One for the cholesterol conscience and one for the others.

Fried bass
Cut the fish into even thickness. I like 1 inch strips. For the coating I use instant potato flakes and I find the cheaper the brand the better they coat. I use a paper plate with deep sides. Pour enough potato flakes on the plate to make it 1/4 to 1/2 inch deep. To this add your favorite spices (salt, pepper, lemon pepper, garlic, parsley, basil, ...) and mix together. Mix an egg with one tablespoon milk in a bowl. Coat the fish with the egg mixture and coat with the potato flakes. Fry in 3 tablespoons olive oil in a fry pan, on both sides, and drain on a paper towel in another paper plate. Its a nice, crunchy, potato chip like coating.

Broiled Bass
This is done in a regular electric oven with a top broiler burner and is good for fillet sides or tail fillets. I use a 9" x 13" aluminum baking pan lined with foil with a wire grill on top. Place fish on the wire grill and butter lightly (olive oil can be used instead of butter). Season the fish with your favorite spices. Top with a sprinkle of grated parmesan cheese. Broil for about 10 minutes until the cheese turns a nice golden brown. Ummmmm snarf 'em down.
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