farmers almanac and moon cycles

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Keeper of San Juan Secrets
I' m skeptical of all the fishing projections from all sources. Has anyone taken the time and effort to document or compare the actual fishing to what the projections say. I am going to be fishing in a "slow" period from May 12th to the 16th so I am going to be cognizant of what "they" say (Farmers Almanac and a couple fishing sites). I've read so much about high and low pressure zones, moon cycles and all the other hoodoo and not been able to put it together.
Taj Mahal in "The fishin' song" says "Here's a little tip I'd like to relate...Many fish bites if you got good bait"

Works for me! :-)

If you have the opportunity to fish regularly you will see the difference in the activity of game fish due to moon cycles and high and low pressure fronts. It takes some time to correlate unless you can be out there almost every day. Probably the most noticeable is the drop in daytime activity during a full moon cycle. Most fish have great night vision, (trout see something like 50 times better at night). With the bright moon out it helps fish to see there prey, allowing them to feed more effectively at night. The next morning they tend to be inactive.
The next is pressure fronts, and this one is hit or miss sometimes. Sometimes 1-2 days before a low pressure front arrives you will notice much more a aggressive bite until the low arrives then it stops? I have found it to be one of the best times to catch them? There is a lot more to it and maybe Wayne can explain it in more detail, but it is not just hoodoo.
Thanx for the reply and yes I have noticed when I fish with what they want compared to fishing with what they don't want I seem to do better,ie; a rock versus a worm. No matter what moon cycle or pressure that rock just doesn't cut it. It's interesting that the fish could sense a low pressure zone coming before it's there but that certainly wouldn't suprise me. There will be 2 full moon nights on this trip so maybe the night fishing will be good.
What does it say about the following week? The 15-20th? That is the next week we will be on the lake. I have also noticed a dramatic slow down immediately following a cold front that passes through.
farmer almanac: peak may 25th-june9th.. may 15th fair but best between 4 ;37 and 6:37 pm.. May 16th good but best between 5:25 and 7:25 p.m..May 17th good but best between 6:13 and 8:13 p.m.. May 18th good but very good between 7:01 and 9:01 a.m.. May 19th average with no time looking better than any other. The days are gleaned for farmers almanac and times are from solumnor fishing calendar. I would bet none of this will be accurate.
What does it say about the following week? The 15-20th? That is the next week we will be on the lake. I have also noticed a dramatic slow down immediately following a cold front that passes through.
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