Farley’s Canyon water level

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Dave Clifton

Active Member
So I’m wondering with the lake level at 3,600 if Farley’s is back connected to the main lake and what the water clarity might be! If anyone has been back there please chime in if possible! It would be greatly appreciated!
I’m curious as well. Two years ago we launched at 3605 in Farley. The silt deposits may have changed that number.
I’m curious as well. Two years ago we launched at 3605 in Farley. The silt deposits may have changed that number.
Last year on May 15 it was 3,609 and was close to perfect conditions! We really got in to the spawning crappie! Probably missed it this year! Would still like to try again!
Be Careful !
Most likely liquid mud Blasting down the Mighty Colorado. Running @18300 cfs through Glenwood !
Probably whole cottonwoods and debris from points unknown.
Anyone have any pictures of the Colorado blasting in at Hite ?
Tight Lines !
John, it must not have been during peak run off was it? I think if you go to Farley's right now, and for another month, you would be wasting your time, as far as fishing go's.
I was just at Hite yesterday and Tony & Maggie informed me that they were just down at Farleys this week and there are a few spots to launch a boat. Sadly,I was in the service truck instead of having a boat in tow
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