Very interesting data and chart on Powell vs. Mead and implications on different temps. I think I was always assuming surface area versus capacity was the big driver.
Yes, I think it feels intuitive that surface area should be a driver of evaporation, so I did a deeper dive into the BOR data to see what I could figure out. I compared the annual evaporation from Mead and Powell since 2011, and compared that to the surface area of each reservoir on October 1 of each year, which is possible to derive from the existing reports that correlate surface area with volume or elevation.
From this, it's possible to measure the evaporative loss as a function of surface area. Conventional wisdom would say that the larger the surface area, the greater the evaporative loss. And that turns out to be true, no surprise--but only if the temperature is the same at the two locations. But what's not so obvious until you look at the following graph is that the amount lost through evaporation for a given surface area is much greater at Mead than at Powell. This of course relates to (and confirms) the predominant role of air temperature in driving evaporation.
Here's the short version, illustrated here:
Lake Mead -
The lake loses a very consistent 6-7 acre feet per acre of surface over the course of a year, no matter the elevation or volume of the lake. Another way to look at that is that the lake drops 6-7 feet per year as a result of evaporation alone. The average from 2011-2022 was 6.6 acre feet per acre of surface area. This also implies that when the lake is closer to full, the surface area increases, so it loses more volume to evaporation. More on that later on.
Lake Powell -
The lake loses considerably less in evaporation than Lake Mead as a function of surface area--only about 3.8 acre feet on average per acre of surface area. That's a huge difference, and likely largely attributable to temperature. It's cooler at Powell than Mead (on average), so it loses less water.
Okay, so that's an important piece to understanding the puzzle, but it's only part of the picture. It would be useful to know something about the bathymetry of each lake. Intuitively, it seems as if Powell has a larger surface area, at least when closer to full. Does that mean it is subject to more evaporation, even if temperatures there are lower? The chart below begins to untangle that question.
Here you can see that when the lakes are very low, they have a very similar surface area--in fact, Mead is slightly larger when the lakes are below about 7.5 maf--a figure that includes water held below "dead pool", not just live storage. But as the lakes store more than 7.5 maf and begin to spread out, the many side canyons of Lake Powell really begin to assert themselves and lead to a lake with substantially greater surface area than Mead. At 15 maf, Powell is 12,000 acres larger than Mead--nearly 20 square miles. At 20 maf, Powell is 16,000 acres larger. So it seems as the lakes hold more water, Powell may be more responsible for more evaporation.
Let's look at the next chart to put all this together. This one takes the evaporation rate of each lake (3.8 af/acre of surface area for Powell, and 6.6 for Mead), then applies that to varying surface areas for each lake.
This is the whole story. In spite of having a larger surface area when the lakes are nearly full, Powell still evaporates considerably less water than Mead--and that's because it's in a cooler location. The difference ranges anywhere from 150,000 to 350,000 af depending on the lake level, but Powell performs better at any surface elevation. This puts to rest any argument that the Fill Mead First advocates suggest concerning Powell's evaporation being a negative compared to Lake Mead. Intuitively, this also suggests that holding water at even higher elevation locations (where temperatures are even cooler) would result in even less overall evaporation in the system.
One final thought here. Some in this thread have noted (correctly) that evaporation happens all time time over any body of water. That's true. But in the case of the Colorado Basin, here's how we need to think about that. As Powell and Mead both demonstrate, the rate of loss as a function of surface area is very consistent in their particular locations. For Powell, it's about 3.8 feet annually per acre of surface area. For Mead, it's higher--6.6. (By the same logic, I'd guess that in Flaming Gorge, it's a little less than in Powell.) That all suggests that if there were no reservoirs, the evaporation rate of the river in those locations would be similar, because its mostly a function of temperature at a given location. More water evaporates farther downstream where it's hotter. It's true that the total evaporation might be less without reservoirs, but that's only because with no reservoirs, there would be less water in the system at any given time. That is to say, "evaporation loss", as an argument against having reservoirs, doesn't hold water, so to speak...