Not a ton of options in the Escalante at this lake level (3571), but there are a few. First off, the lake ends somewhere between Three Roof Ruin and Explorer Canyon, just short of Garces Island. Your best bets for a small boat campsite will probably be:
1. Right at the mouth of the Escalante on the right as you head upstream;
2. A couple of small rocky beaches in Indian Creek (first canyon on left), which disappear at higher lake levels;
3. A pretty decent beach in the main stem on left about halfway between Clear Creek and Davis Gulch;
4. A possible small beach at the end of the unnamed short canyon more or less directly across from Davis Gulch;
5 A possible small beach or two in Davis Gulch;
6. A nice beach in Fifty-Mile right at the navigable end--actually it's a raised bar in mid-stream that cuts off boat access to the rest of the canyon beyond, even though the lake continues;
7. A possible rocky beach on the main stem left between Fifty-Mile and Willow Gulch;
8. Difficult gooey beach at the end of Willow Gulch;
9. Possible beach toward the end of Bishop Canyon (tributary to Willow Gulch); and
10. Possible beach main stem on right, just before Three Roof Ruin.