Drones Causing Delays in Firefighting

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Who are these idiots? Every year it seems to get worse, it seems hard to believe they are unaware of the potential consequences! When they first came out, ignorance may have been understandable but geez, I know nothing of drones, but know they can interfere with firefighting efforts......
In the latest report on the Prescott area fire on KYCA they are warning people with drones to stay the heck out of the area, told them if a drone is spotted anywhere in the area the fire-retardant-dropping planes are required to land immediately.
Seems to be a symbol of our declining society. These drones and their owners need to be Identified, and charged with felony interference! Maybe a year or 2 in jail will get these kids attention!
This guy is going to jail...for a long time...prosecutor is discussing with the feds about how many other felonies this pathetic loser can be charged with! I am guessing he will spend the rest of his life in prison, and have to pay for the losses caused by having to shut down air operations! Every person that lost a home as a result of this moron, needs to sue him as well! THIS NEEDS TO BE HEADLINES ON EVERY NEWSCAST AND PAPER IN THE COUNTRY!!! Maybe the publicity will deter future idiots!
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And yesterday, there was another one, on that fire, that grounded a helicopter, after the news came out about the charges against the first idiot! Fines and jail time should be tripled for this idiot!
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