Distance between Stanton Creek beach to Bullfrog?

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New Member
Hi, probably a silly question. We boondock in GSNM-Escalante every Fall, but this will be our first trip staying on Lake Powell. We are planning to kayak & SUP. We need to stay on the north side of Lake Powell, and are considering staying around the Stanton Creek Campground area. Does anyone know the kayaking distance between Stanton Creek Beach and Bullfrog Marina (just approximate).

Also, I am bringing my 75 year old mom with us. She's never been to Utah, never seen a slot canyon and obviously never been to Lake Powell. If we're staying around Stanton Creek Beach, any suggestions for reasonable (for a 75 yo) SUP day trips?

Trying to be prepared in advance and appreciate any positive input. TIA!
Hi, probably a silly question. We boondock in GSNM-Escalante every Fall, but this will be our first trip staying on Lake Powell. We are planning to kayak & SUP. We need to stay on the north side of Lake Powell, and are considering staying around the Stanton Creek Campground area. Does anyone know the kayaking distance between Stanton Creek Beach and Bullfrog Marina (just approximate).

Also, I am bringing my 75 year old mom with us. She's never been to Utah, never seen a slot canyon and obviously never been to Lake Powell. If we're staying around Stanton Creek Beach, any suggestions for reasonable (for a 75 yo) SUP day trips?

Trying to be prepared in advance and appreciate any positive input. TIA!

Hope this helps.
Hi, probably a silly question. We boondock in GSNM-Escalante every Fall, but this will be our first trip staying on Lake Powell. We are planning to kayak & SUP. We need to stay on the north side of Lake Powell, and are considering staying around the Stanton Creek Campground area. Does anyone know the kayaking distance between Stanton Creek Beach and Bullfrog Marina (just approximate).

Also, I am bringing my 75 year old mom with us. She's never been to Utah, never seen a slot canyon and obviously never been to Lake Powell. If we're staying around Stanton Creek Beach, any suggestions for reasonable (for a 75 yo) SUP day trips?

Trying to be prepared in advance and appreciate any positive input. TIA!

Google Earth says it is 2.5 miles from Bullfrog main ramp to Stanton Creek area. If your mom doesn't want to paddle to Stanton, you can drive a car into the area and launch from the beach.
Stanton Creek provides good shelter from main channel wind and waves.for kayaks and SUPs.
There are outhouses strategically placed for the folks using the primitive camp area.
A nice nearby canyon to visit is Lost Eden. Looks like 3.5 - 4.3 miles from Stanton if you go to the very end of Lost Eden, which is a box canyon.

We camp at Stanton about 3 weeks a year. Your timing is perfect, not too hot in the day, cooler nights and the water is still very comfortable for swimming. Fishing should be good as well.


Dave Joyner
Thank you, Dave. Appreciate the input. We are planning to stay at Stanton Creek; we haven't been able to find any other location (in this general area) where we can drive to the water and camp without a 4WD. Our RV can handle a lot, but not serious 4WD roads. Thanks for the recommendation for Lost Eden. Mom hasn't ever seen a slot canyon, so I want to expose her to them on a SUP first - easier than hiking. We will also check out the one by the Bullfrog Visitor Center - seems like it's not a difficult hike. Any other recommendations on places to camp on the beach (we don't need any services; we're used to boondocking with the RV) is appreciated. As are SUP canyons that could be accomplished on a day trip.
We spend about 3 weeks every late-Sept/early-Oct in GSNM and are really looking forward to adding Lake Powell to the annual trip!

Lost Eden is probably the most beautiful slot canyon I can think of within the range of a SUP, though I'm not sure about a 75 y.o. getting across BF Bay and around the corner in open water. One large cruiser or houseboat blowing by could make for an interesting ride. If you don't want to risk taking your mom out into the open part of the lake, you could try some of the smaller cuts back in Bullfrog Bay. There are a couple of smaller slots not far from the executive launch ramp. I have heard the first cut called Kaleidoscope Canyon, but not sure that is the official name. It is much smaller, and not nearly as deep and beautiful as some of the more celebrated canyons, like Lost Eden, but beautiful nonetheless, and you would not have to cross a large stretch of open water to get to it.
I can’t imagine a 75 year old taking a SUP round trip from Stanton to Lost Eden.

Maybe try to hitch a ride there, or at least in that direction, with a friendly boater?

Powell is a beautiful place. Actually my favorite place. But you have to respect the lake - the weather can turn quickly and if you’re in the main channel, there really is no where to take cover on a SUP.

And in regard to your camping questions, other than the actual campground across from the fuel station in Bullfrog, you’re limited to Stanton at that part of the lake.

You might want to consider something near Hite?
Thank you, Dave. Appreciate the input. We are planning to stay at Stanton Creek; we haven't been able to find any other location (in this general area) where we can drive to the water and camp without a 4WD. Our RV can handle a lot, but not serious 4WD roads. Thanks for the recommendation for Lost Eden. Mom hasn't ever seen a slot canyon, so I want to expose her to them on a SUP first - easier than hiking. We will also check out the one by the Bullfrog Visitor Center - seems like it's not a difficult hike. Any other recommendations on places to camp on the beach (we don't need any services; we're used to boondocking with the RV) is appreciated. As are SUP canyons that could be accomplished on a day trip.
We spend about 3 weeks every late-Sept/early-Oct in GSNM and are really looking forward to adding Lake Powell to the annual trip!

Stanton Campground is about a mile from the current lake front. That mile can be treacherous. 4wd highly recommended. I had to dig my camper van out of the mud/sand three times this last weekend. For easy kayak/sup access, the Hite campground is MUCH better. I launched my Zodiac from there a couple weeks ago. The gas station is open for business now, too and the facilities are more suitable for a 75-year old.
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