Crescent Pool is Refilling

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wayne gustaveson

Staff member
I first discovered and named Crescent Pool on June 17, 2016. I usually come out of Last Chance on the east shoreline because that has the best fishing habitat. But on this day I swung over to the west side and was amazed to see a slick rock pool filling with lake water. There were two low spots where the water was cascading into the pool which was about 5 feet lower than the lake level. It was a great find and I have visited it often over the years.


Lately the pond has been down again to 5-15 feet below lake level. The slick rock shoreline prevents the lake water from entering except when the surrounding slick rock is topped by rising lake water. That time is now! Water level was 3613.19 this morning. Tomorrow the lake will likely be close to 3614. If it rises slowly then there may be a chance to seeing the pond being filled by the lake. More likely the cascading water falls will fill the pond tomorrow.

Here is what we saw today. My son Brian took the video and put it on Youtube.

Awesome pics Wayne, thanks for posting them! Toilet Bowl is on the tip on one of the fingers on the west side of Padre (just to the NE of Gunsight Butte. It also fills at about 3615.
These pools are a great place for parents to take children to fish for sunfish and stripers after the pond fills. Kids can stand on the shore and catch sunfish. It gives youngsters more room to move around and learn more about fishing with mom or dad quietly looking over their shoulder.
Thanks Wayne, great video.

There’s a smaller version of this across from Wahweap near the Cut. Maybe 20-30 feet across.

Not sure what elevation it fills at.
Tiff, Interesting.

It’s so cool that a feature like that can have two totally different names and aspects depending on water level. Lake Powell is so sand cool. I love how the water level transforms the experience.

I will make a note to check out the Hole in the roof when the level gets down there.

This spring we were there and swam with floaties into the cave. I didn’t realize the cave opening was as deep as you say. I think it was around 3594 when we were there. Then went back around 3600 and the water was just touching the top of the cave

We have jumped in the top swam thru the cave at about 3609 and it was pretty sketch. Not for the poor swimmer or claustrophobic.

My water levels a guess and pretty close and I don’t recommend anyone swimming down thru that does not know what they are doing.

I went into the “hole in the roof” cave in Rock Ck on a SeaDoo the last week in May this year. Water elevation was 3584 and change. I have a 17 second .mov video clip that I can’t attach, so here is a still looking out the roof opening from below that doesn’t do it justice.695192E9-2B78-4A65-B54E-FCFC07D173CE.jpegthat doesndo
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