Colorado delgation drafting Good Samaritan legislation for abandoned mines, please help out

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Well-Known Member
Colorado's delegation is again discussing draft legislation with an eye at possible bill introduction yet this year.
In an effort to help educate on Good Sam, and to provide a place for citizens to demonstrate their support, Trout Unlimited has launched a new "Stand Up" website. The site does a great job of providing background information to help you understand Good Sam, including a video, info graphic and story mapping. We urge you to take a few minutes to visit the site to learn more:
The video at bottom is very informative from 'We are the Animas'

Approximately 110,000 miles of streams – enough to circle the Earth four times – are listed as impaired for heavy metals or acidity and abandoned mines are a major source of these impairments. Abandoned mines are a big problem, but with a little help from Congress they are a problem we can tackle by passing Good Samaritan legislation.
There are over 500,000 abandoned hardrock mine sites in the American West where there is no responsible party to take on the cleanup. In many cases, these sites pollute streams and they continue to languish or fall to the state and federal government to maintain. Groups like Trout Unlimited or others who have no legal responsibility or connection to the project - true Good Samaritans - are interested in tackling some of these issues, but are deterred from doing so due to the incredible liability risks.

By passing Good Samaritan legislation, Congress can provide such protections for organizations like Trout Unlimited while also holding good samaritans accountable to terms of their permits. Thank you from Durango!
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