Catfish Pectoral Fin

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Well-Known Member
So one of my boys (10 y/o) that absolutely loves to catfish off the back of the boat in the evenings at camp spent last night fishing as usual for catfish. I was on the boat cleaning up and he is working on removing the hook from a fiesty cat. Suddenly I hear screaming and I'm thinking he has the hook lodged into him. I come over and the poor kid has this catfish stuck to his palm. The pectoral fin is lodged into the meat part of his palm. I initially try to pull it free but it's in there good so I cut the fin off and throw the cat back and take him to better light. Well that little bugger left a near half inch barbed fin end in there that was a real bugger to get out. The kid even got a little shock going on and passed out on us. But come morning he was the first to jump in the boat and ready to head back out. Then while out bass fishing i caught a cat on a ned rig and said hey bud will remove this hook for me? He didn't hesitate and started for the fish. I was joking of course and took care of it.
Poor kid! Catfish spines have a painful venom, I am a super overcautious wuss when handling them! Be sure to really thouroughly clean it out, those puncture wounds are notorious for infection....
Mtnpull can you give me an update on slurping stripers. Have you seen any? We are doing a fish collection on Monday and Tuesday at Bullfrog and hoping to get slurping fish. Might have to run uplake but it may be too muddy. What can you tell me? Thanks WG
Mtnpull can you give me an update on slurping stripers. Have you seen any? We are doing a fish collection on Monday and Tuesday at Bullfrog and hoping to get slurping fish. Might have to run uplake but it may be too muddy. What can you tell me? Thanks WG
Wayne I saw slurpers in Moki and around Halls Bouy Field this week. They were small fish and we didn’t mess with them but they are there. Baby shad came to the green light each night also
Those catfish spines are painful. I’ve never been stuck bad by one but have witnessed others on agony. I’m much more cautious handling catfish than other species in Lake Powell
Mtnpull can you give me an update on slurping stripers. Have you seen any? We are doing a fish collection on Monday and Tuesday at Bullfrog and hoping to get slurping fish. Might have to run uplake but it may be too muddy. What can you tell me? Thanks WG
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