California is Burning Again

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Bill Sampson

Keeper of San Juan Secrets
I thought after the Sonoma fire and Anaheim Hills fire that we were through our fire season, but strong (45-55 MPH) winds are back again and we have dangerous fires in 4 locations. As of this morning of the fires was 5 percent contained, with 0 percent on the others. With the wind this strong they have not been able to do a lot of water drops. Basically structure protection is their primary focus right now. Although we enjoyed a wet winter it definitely starter the brush growing again, thus the fuel is there for the burning.
We have ha 3 straight days of high winds, so we need the winds to die down to get a handle on this. The flames have been so hot that the fire fighters are being overcome.
Please keep all the residents and fire fighters in your thoughts and prayers. They have their hands full with these fires.
The numbers this morning per the news was 90,000 acres, and 145 schools closed until the fires clear. Also, approximately 150,000 people were evacuated, even "celebrities". We are on our 4th day of high winds, and the wind is supposed to peak at 80 MPH today.
What starts all these fires? I looked at the map the other day and there must be 10 total burning in the Southern California area? Is it cigarette butts out the windows of cars? Or is it ecoterrorist/arsonists at work?
They were talking this morning that arson investigator are getting to the sites starting today. The Skirball fire started right next to the 405 freeway, so it could have been lit by a disposed cigarette. They did catch one guy attempting to light a palm tree on fire in the Ventura area. We'll have to see how that goes. I am hoping for a much calmer wind day today to help the fire fighters.
This morning's news report states that most of the fires are some percentage contained. The Ventura fire is the worst one with over 120.500 acres burned, and it is still burning.
What starts all these fires? I looked at the map the other day and there must be 10 total burning in the Southern California area? Is it cigarette butts out the windows of cars? Or is it ecoterrorist/arsonists at work?

Last winter very wet, lot of vegetation, dried out over summer and then in the Fall and Winter the Santa Ana winds kick up and there is no humidity - someone tosses out a cigarette, or builds an illegal warming fire, etc., and you have the fires. Add in just as the gulf coast has build up thousands of homes on the water making them vulnerable to hurricanes, in CA you have thousands and thousands of homes built in these hills [we were one of those and we went through fires].... Back when we lived in Chino Hills the county brought in prisoners from Chino Prison to clear brush from near the homes and fence lines. All our fires were all traced back to kids down in the valley below our homes playing with matches. The worst fire we had to petition the court to release the names of the kids to our insurance carrier to make the parents responsible for the damages. These hills are beautiful and living in them is great - until this.
This morning the fire area was revised to over 240,000 acres. It is the 5th biggest fire in California history. They are fighting to keep it away from Santa Barbara.
We lost a firefighter yesterday in the Thomas Fire in Ventura. He leaves behind a wife and 2 year old daughter. This is horrible news, and the fire is still only 45% contained. The wind is still present.
This fire just keeps going. They had more evacuations yesterday. It is the 13th day in a row of high winds. They are supposed to subside today for at least 2 days. I believe the news said it I the second largest fire in California history. They had some satellite image of the smoke yesterday from space, and it is impressive.
What happened to grading fire breaks up all the hills/mountains in CA during the summer in order to cut down the ability of these fires to grow like this fire.
What happened to grading fire breaks up all the hills/mountains in CA during the summer in order to cut down the ability of these fires to grow like this fire.
A good many types of projects have been completely killed or cut back (sts) by the watermelon groups like the Sierra Club, et al. Firebreaks, forest thinning projects, controlled burns have been pushed back against in an effort to leave the wild areas oh so "natural." A google search will give similar Pinko tinted results as it does for global warming.
Those things are all bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad. And the one's that aren't bad are worse.
Natural is so much better but, as it turns out, that natural shade is a deep charcoal color.

Yeah like letting the bark beetle trees stand till the fire comes and creates the nations largest fire. Brian Head. Those tree hugging a holes need to see what a fawn does in a fire. Hunkers down. All the attention on Cali pisses me off cause one of the best fisheries in Southern Utah may be in jeopardy because of the lawsuits against the National Forest Service which made them leave the dead trees standing instead of removing them. Save a whale, kill all the wildfife. Screw them.
Based on a fire that happened a few miles from my house, the Orange County Fire Authority told me that every time they tried to clean up bark, dead foliage, etc. they were shot down by the naturalist groups. Once the fire hit the area close to me, it intensified in strength. It had a lot of old, dried out fuel to burn. Now there is nothing there to save
The Ecowackos lawyers should be personally sued for the cost of suppressing every fire in the areas they have "protected"! Maybe the massive wildfires in Mexifornia would soon cease if fire prevention methods were allowed to resume after putting these ambulance chasing scumbag ecowacko lawyers out of business!
A few years ago I had the opportunity to visit the North and South Rims of the Grand Canyon. I noticed on the South Rim that they maintained their areas better, and would clean the areas and put the forest related items in piles and burn them. When I walked the North Rim, it appears there is years of dead bark, brush, tree limbs etc. just lying everywhere. My feeling here is that is a fire ever starts burning on the North Rim, they will never get it put on with all that fuel. Does anyone have any ideas why each Rim is managed differently?
For every fire that destroys needlessly because of lack of forestry management at any level, local or federal there will be a pushback against the those who prevented the deadfall, diseased trees, and brush to be culled. Most in the Brian Head area are ready to hang em high. Local businesses suffer right along with the wildlife. Even the politicians are speaking out. Although probably a lot of hot air. These environ-mental groups are their own worst enemies cause their message concerning forest management is wrong. Yes an owl is important but they burn right along with people and their property. Don't understand how they can be so out of touch. And God forbid a fire on the North rim. Rugged country with a lot of fuel, similar to Brian Head. Haven't been to the south rim in such a long time that I wasn't aware of the difference in management practices. Utah DNR tries hard to keep the forest fire resistant but of course that has nothing to do with north rim. It has to be a federal thing cause both sides are in Az..
My son in law got sent to CA a couple of weeks ago. They are mad because they are on stand by watching houses and are not on the fire making good money.
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